Informasi terbaru Sinopsis Episode 1 - 28 - Telenovela Striving For A Sun mulai 20 Julai setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 - Episode 1 - 24 kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia, semoga informasi Sinopsis Episode 1 - 28 - Telenovela Striving For A Sun mulai 20 Julai setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 - Episode 1 - 24 memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua.
Starring/Dibintangi oleh:
Sinjai Plengpanich (Nok Sinjai) - Parnrawee ( Isteri Rangsee)
Phiyada Akkaraseranee (Aom Phiyada) - Rangrong (Rangsee's daughter)
Nat thephasdin Na Ayuthaya - Pasakorn
Pisarn Akkaraseranee - Rangsee
Jakajan Akumsiri - Fahroong
Anuwat Niwatwong - Chot
Striving For A Sun Opening Theme Song Lyrics/Lirik Lagu Striving For A Sun
???????????????? ???????????????????
Diew dai ma tao rai muen ruk krai mai pen
shen dung duang artit tee pon kar glai
????????????????????????? ????????????
tra ghan yoo pieng poo diew
??????????????????? ????????????
Kwarm ron ja rhom la lai took sing hai pai* ???????????????????????????????
* tuer ja yoo gub shan dai nan suk pieng dai
tue ja tong sier jai jeb puad suk waan
nee kue chaataa tee pen shun
mai mee waan ja dai yoo gub krai suk kon
** ?????????????????? ??????????????????
tueng shun ruk tue tao rai tueng ruk tue maak tao rai
teer rao kong pai mai tueng yunk waan sud tai
???????????????????? ????????????????
tong mee kon nueng puad rao iek kon nueng jai salai
???????? ??????????????????
tong yoo yoo doi mai luer krai
??????????????????????? ????????????????
yark plieng pleang took yang teer rao ghoor tam mai dai
???????????????????? ??????????????
sud tai ghoor pen artit tee sean diew dai
????????????????? ?????????????
Rao mai kuan whai wun mai kuan chit glai
?????????????????? ?????????????
hark mai ruem ton ghoor kong mai tong sier jai
??? *,**
???????????????????? ????????????????
tong mee kon nueng puad rao iek kon nueng jai salai
?????? ??????????????????????
Shun eang tong yoo doi mai luer krai
source: Jakjann:
Sinopsis Episode 1

Kisah ini bermula dengan Rangsee Suriyatid, seorang pewaris keluarga Suriyatid yang memiliki perniaggan "The Sun". Rangsee menemui Saenglaa, seorang gadis desa dalam suatu persembahan yang diadakan sewaktu promosi untuk produk Thai. Mereka menawarkan masakan Thai dan persembahan daripada perbagai muzik Thai.
Rangsee: Indahnya irama. Nama?
Saenglaa: Nama lagu itu adalah Phra Artit Ching Duang (matahari yang bermusuhan)
Rangsee: Saya bukan tanya nama lagu itu, tapi nama kamu. Nama saya Rangsee Suriyatid. Saya pemilik pusat membeli belah ini.
Saengla dan Rangsee kemudiannya menjalinkan hubungan tanpa mengetahui Rangsee telah bertunang dengan Parnrawee seorang gadis yang kaya dan berstatus tinggi pilihan keluarga.

Saenglaa berasa sangat sedih apabila dia mendapat tahu Rangsee akan berkahwin dengan Parnrawee kerana selama ini dia tidak tahu bahawa Rangsee telah bertunang.

Saenglaa: Khun Rangsee
Rangsee: Saenglaa! Saya dah kata akan jemput kamu di tempat biasa, apa kamu buat di sini? Jika orang lain nampak kamu, gosip akan tersebar, Saenglaa.
Saenglaa: Kamu pasti bimbang. Kamu bimbang tunang kamu akan tahu hubungan kita, kan? Berterus terang dengan saya, Khun Rangsee. Kamu akan berkahwin tidak lama lagi, kan? Betul tak?
Rangsee: Ya.

Saenglaa: Bagaimana dengan saya? Saya pula macam mana? Kenapa kamu tipu saya?
Rangsee: Saenglaa, saya tak tipu kamu. Saya betul-betul cinta kamu. Tentang Parnrawee, saya tak boleh ingkar orang tua, Saenglaa.
Saenglaa menampar Rangsee dan mengatakan padanya bahawa hidupnya telah musnah disebabkan Rangsee. Selepas itu, Saenglaa meninggalkan Rangsee dan pulang ke desa. Tidak lama kemudian, Saenglaa mendapat tahu bahawa dia telah mengandungkan anak Rangsee dan dia menulis surat kepadanya.

Pengirim: Saenglaa Thongbutlaa
Parnrawee: Saenglaa?
Isi kandungan surat tersebut: Kepada Khun Rangsee yang dikasihi dan dihormati, Maaf kerana menganggu kamu dengan surat ini. Walaupun saya tahu kamu sudah berkahwin dengan Khun Parnrawee, saya perlu minta bantuan kamu. Sekarang saya mengandung tiga bulan anak kamu. Saya sudah pulang ke kampung halaman saya, Lampang. Kehidupan di sini amat susah. Sebab itu saya mahu kamu terima dan besarkan anak ini. Saya tak mahu apa-apa daripada kamu. Saya hanya mahu anak ini mempunyai seorang bapa. Saya tak mahu dia hidup dalam kemiskinan. Saya mahu anak ini mempunyai masa depan yang cerah dan layak untuk menjadi pewaris Keluarga Suriyatit. Tolonglah berbuat baik. Saya akan tunggu jawapan kamu.

Parnrawee: Menakutkan betul.

Parnrawee: Kita tunggu dan lihat. Saenglaa!
source: TV3
The story continues with:
After Saeng Laa realizes that she is pregnant she sends a letter to Rang See asking for his assistance. Barn Rawee comes and find the letter first and finds that there is another woman who is pregnant with Rang See’s child. Barn Rawee is afraid that Rang See will bring this woman to replace her. Barn Rawee then secretly goes to meet Saeng La who is suffering greatly. She offers a great amount of money to Saeng La so she could start her life over in return that Saeng La has to get rid of the child in her womb. Barn Rawee pressures Saeng La to where she has no option and even as far as taking Saeng La to the clinic herself. At the same time Rang See is feeling distressed that a fortune teller has told him that the Sooriyartit family line will end with him. Rang See wants Barn Rawee to have a son, but Barn Rawee knows that she is sterile and she is afraid that Rang See will leave her so she keeps this a secret with only Neuang her close servant knows of this
Once Bparn Rawee reaches home she finds that Rang See has been in an automobile accident his body was very hurt and he is unable to move. Bparn Rawee can only secretly cry to herself until 2 years has passed by and the bottom half of Rang See’s body is now handicapped permanently. Rang See is unable to have a child so he has lost all flavor in life.
Bparn Rawee then accepts an orphan child to raise as her god child and names him Patgorn. Bparn Rawee and Rang See help raise Patgorn as their own child in hopes to let Patgorn become the heir to the Soriyatit after without listening and paying attention to the gossip of Wongsarknayat who doesn’t want of Rang See’s wealth to fall to an orphan like Patgorn
Barn Rawee is forced to protect Patgorn with full force with help from Chodti who is Rang See’s Close Attorney and Barn Rawee’s old friend. Not only is Chodti loyal to the Soriyatit’s family but he also secretly loves Barn Rawee
20 years pass by and in Lumphun Rang Rong a spicy young woman who is struggling to survive and ready to fight anyone who gets in her way has to earn money to heal her mother who is sick because of liquor. Rang Rong returns home to see that her mother is more furious than she normally is because she has seen the news of the return to Thailand of Patgorn the Hundred Thousand Baht Heir. Rang Rong is curious why her mother is so angry towards the Soriyatit family.
At the same time at the Soriyatit’s home there is a party to welcome Patgorn. During the party Rang See announces that he will give half and half of everything to Barn Rawee and Patgorn. Attending the party were relatives who were envious. In the group included Piang Pon a distant relative of the Soriyatit and Piang Soon her son who even though is a relative only works as a small employee at The Sun different from Patgorn who is just an orphan but gets everything, but because of his thoughtfulness towards Barn Rawee he keeps the anger in his heart secretly. Napar and Faarong the two mothers and daughters are also apart of the party who welcome Patgorn home because Napa is intent on having Faarong capture Patgorn in hopes of gaining all the fortune and wealth, but Barn Rawee knows of this so she is there as a pilar to hold them away.
While the party is going on Rang Rong appears and because she is wearing mourning clothes that looks old Neuang refuses to let her in. Rang Rong is intent on going in to see Rang See so she tells Neuang that she is the daughter of Saeng La and she wants to see Rang See who is her father. Neuang quickly goes to report to Barn Rawee who is shocked once she sees Rang Rong appear in the party. As Rang See is announcing his fortune is to be giving to Barn Rawee and Patgorn, Rang Rong announces that she is Rang See’s daughter and the only true heir to the Soriyatit’s bloodline.
The appearance of Rang Rong creates a stir amongst the guest. Rang See faints. Barn Rawee tells Chodti to take Rang Rong away, but Rang Rong refuses to go anywhere until she is accepted by Rang See. Rang See awakes to see the young woman who claims to be his daughter. Rang Rong tells the story that she heard from Saeng La and brings the proof which is the ring that was giving to Saeng La by Rang See. Because Rang See is unable to have an heir himself he quickly accepts Rang Rong without wanting to do a DNA test.
Bparn Rawee doens’t trust Rang Rong so she sends Chodti to go and do a background check of Rang Rong at Lumphun and finds that Rang Rong has a bad history. Fighting, Stealing, and she also finds that Saeng La didn’t die because of distress, but of alcoholism. Barn Rawee then finds that Rang Rong is a liar and con-artist This causes her to be more cautious of Rang Rong. But because Rang See is happy to see his daughter it makes it more difficult for Barn Rawee to do anything to Rang Rong. On top of that behind Rang See’s back Rang Rong picks on her in may ways and in anger Barn Rawee retaliates and Rang Rong pretends to be sad and tear up making Barn Rawee the wrong person in the end. Patgorn is secretly watching Rang Rong because he is curious of her and he also finds that she isn’t the innocent country girl like she says she is or pretends to be.
The appearance of Rang Rong causes chaos in the Soriyatit’s household, but Napa and Faaroong is also affected by this because they are afraid that Patgorn’s inheritance will be given to Rang Rong so they openly declare war. Piang Soon is happy that Patgorn has competition and he believes that Rang Rong is slow and country girl naive so he pushes her to get rid of and hate Patgorn and he plans that once Rang Rong gets all the wealth he will marry her and take over. Rang Rong realizes this but pretends to be stupid because she wants help against Barn Rawee.
In no time Rang Rong asks that Rang See announce that she is his daughter in public in order to erase the weak point. Rang See does as Rang Rong wants. This causes Barn Rawee to lose face. On top of that Rang Rong asks to work at The Sun with the excuse that she wants to get to know the family business. Rang See gives her permission to do so this causes Bparn Rawee to be very angry and argue with Rang See. Chodti reminds Bparn Rawee to be calm. That although Rang Rong is the daughter outside of marriage she still has the right to the family wealth and the fact that she wants to be involved with the family business shouldn’t be a problem, but Bparn Rawee believes that Rang Rong has an alternative motive that is bad which is true because Rang Rong wants to get close to Barn Rawee and destroy her. In the end will Rang Rong be successful in destroying Barn Rawee and own the Soriyatit’s wealth?
Credit Gmember
Episode 1- 4 Synopsis/Recap
Saenglaa finds out that she’s 3 months pregnant. Bee and Rangsee sees a fortune teller who gives them bad news. Bee is then panicking cause she’s barren and can’t have kids. She reads a letter from Fang to Rangsee and finds out that Fang’s pregnant. She goes to Fang and forces her to have an abotion. Rangsee gets into an accident and becomes handicap, while Fang becomes a drunk.
Rangsee is frustrated with his condition. He is also upset that his empire does not have a heir.His wife, Ban Rawee (Bee/Nok) changed all of that when she adopted a baby boy from the orphanage. Rangsee accepts the boy w/open arms. Years later, all grown up, the mighty handsome pa’aek comes back to live w/his parents in Thailand. Meanwhile Nang’aek is working hard to support her drunk Mother. Her Mother in a drunken rage tells nang’aek to get revenge on Rawee for trying to get her to abort her baby and outcasting Rangsee’s rightful heir which is nang’aek. Oh.. and then she dies. How sad, she just drank her life away.
Nang’aek (Rang Rong) came to claim what’s hers, during Pa’aek’s (Neung) party too! Baan and Rong meets! Rong demands to speak to her father, Baan lies that she will go get him, but licks Rong in the room. Room then sets the garbage on fire and manages to get out of the room. Rangsee announces that Neung will be the new director of his company, but in the midst of the annoucement, Rong interrupts and announce her presence and her title, which id the true heir of Rangsee!
Poor pa’aek. He’s innocent in all of this. I have a feeling that he will be in the middle of the battle between Rawee and Rong. Rangsee awkes from hhis slight trauma and calls out for his daughter. He begs Rawee to bring his daughter to him. On the way to see her dad Rong meets Neung. Neung threatens that if she is a fraud, then he will banish her away. Rong is very anngry with Rangsee, but she puts up a front to make him adore her. She shows him that she is in fact his daughter when she presents him the ring that he once gave her Mother. Rawee stands by while Rong talks of the past to her father to prove that she is really his daughter, it looks as if she feels quite threatened and uneasy. Rong is accepted by Rangsee and she now lives at the mansion.
Rong threatens Rawee that she will reveal that Rawee tried to abort her. Looks like Rong is out to make Rawee’s life a living hell and take everything back that’s rightfully hers, no matter what it takes. Neung and Rong meets again. Neung warns Rong that he will be watching her closely and will not allow her to make a rucus in the household. Rong is mean to him and says she’ll do whatever she wants cause she is the real heir and not him. It’s a battle ground between Rawee and Rong in the dining room. Rong gives the servants a hard time about the food, so Rawee have the servants serve Rong nasty foods. Just to not back down, Rong eats the food!
Rong throws up from the nasty food, and angrily vows that she will not Rawee push her around. She will fight fire with fire! Pa’aek us annoyed by a hi-so girl that keeps bothering him. Then when she leaves, a hi-so jealous rival comes in to taunt him that he’s a fake. Poor pa’aek. Rawee asked the lawyer to invest nang’aek, meanwhile nang’aek pretends to be sick from the foods she was served to her daddy. (I feel bad for the dad, looks like he will be the victim of nang’aek’s rage. He seems like he genuinely loves his daughter.) Rangsee scolds the elderly servant while nang’aek is satisfied with herself.
Rawee finds out that Rong is hot temperd and is a known shoplifter from her ex-emploer and that her mother didn’t die of a heart condition, but alcholism. Rawee wants to find a way to deal with Rong and banish her away for good. Rawee tells Rong that she knows the truth. They fight and Rawee slaps Rong right in time for Rangsee to see. Rangsee is angry with his wife and demands that if anyone dares harrass his daughter, they will be sorry. Nang’aek is seen smirking, satisfied with the chaos she has caused in the house. Pa’aek consoles his upset mother, then went to go confront nang’aek, very up close and personal too. :-D He calls her a liar and she slaps him.
Rong continues to wreck havoc causing Rawee and Rangsee to have friction between eachother. Rangsee invites his daughter to an award party, but Rawee refuses for her to attend. Rong gets very pissed and plans a big surprise during the award party.
Episode 5 Synopsis/Recap
Pa’aek consoling his nervous Mother, because she was asked to sing at the Award party. (Her singing is very good, love Nok Sinjai! :-D ) Rangsee is worried about his daughter and is very uneasy while at the party. Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the elderly servant noticed that Rong is gone, and finds a note stating that she is leaving. The servant frantically calls Rangsee, but his wife encourage him to go on with the show. Later, Rong is seen on the news threatening to jump off the bridge. When cops asks her who her father is, she then announces that her father is Rangsee. This was her plan to announce to the world that Rangsee is her father. Rangsee is shocked to his daughter on the news, so he rushes off to go safe her.
Rawee was asked a ton if questions about Rang Rong, but she kept quiet. Pa’aek also rushed to the bridge to try to talk Rong out of her supposed attempt of suicide. Rangsee nearly fell out of his wheelchair when Rong decided to jump into the water where she faked drowning. The cops jumped in and saved her. At the hospital, she continues with the sob story causing Rangsee to feel super bad for his daughter, so he promises to annouce and comfirm to the media that she is his daughter.
Rangsee begs his wife to help him arrange a party so that he can confirm to the media that Rangrong is his daughter. Rawee refuses, stating that if she allowed it to happen then that means she’s allowing the entire Thailand to know that her husband cheated on resulting a child. She storms off, while Rangsee clutches at his heart and falls out of his wheelchair. They call a doctor and the doctor tells the family that the coast is clear, but he has a weak heart so try not to upset him.
RangRong taughts Rawee that the reason why Rangsee had a heart condition is because of her. She is too jealous to allow Thailand to know that she is his daughter. She taunts Rawee saying she will keep pretending to be sad and hurt so that Rangsee will pity her. And since Rangsee has a weak heart, she doesn’t guarantee his safety. Rawee is then apalled that Rangrong would risk her own father’s life. Rawee is very angered and about to slap RangRong but stops herself and pushed her instead. Rawee runs off to, but is consoled by the family lawyer where he talks her into allowing Rangsee to annouce his daughter. (I’m not sure at this point if the lawyer has ill intentions or not, we’ll see) Rawee then goes to Rangsee and tells him she will allow the annoucement to happen. RangRong then has the biggest grin and smirk!!
Episode 6 Synopsis/Recap
Pa’aek laughed at RangRong as she fell while trying to walk in her new heels she just bought! (That was a cute moment. Wow, I’m liking this pa’aek. I love his boyish innocent look.) Rangsee thanks Rawee for all that she’s done and for allowing him to accept RangRong into the family. Rawee then ask Rangsee if he ever loved Saeng Laa (Nang’aek’s Mom), just when Nang’aek walks in to give her daddy a new shirt she bought him, he tells Rawee that he never loved her, but only pitied her.(Ohh man, this is addin g more fuel to her fire) RangRong quietly exits the room without them knowing about her presence. She cries to herself and vows to take everything away from these people. Right before the acceptance party, Rawee stays in her room, but the sweet pa’aek goes and tries to comfort his mother.
The lawyer is very suspicious of the pictute fram that was delivered to the mansion for RangRong. He goes and consult with the elder servant. They try to open it to see what it is, but the younger servants stops them saying RangRong ordered her to take care of it. Later that young servant opens the picture and apologizes to the picture for allowing it to go to the wrong hands. It is revealed that it is a picture of Saeng Laa, Nang’aek’s Mother. I think Nang’aek wants to cause Rawee more trouble by plastering her Mother’s photo at the acceptance party. The lawyer confines in Rawee and tells her about the suspicious package. Rawee finds it at the stage and is about to open it!!!!
Episode 7 Synopsis/Recap
Rangsee anounces that he has a daughter. He gives her the mic to speak. She gave a sob speach and then says she wants to show everyone the person she respects and love the most. She goes over to the frame and reveal it thinking it was a picture of her Mother, but it is a picture of Rawee. It looks like Rawee was able to switch the picture before RangRong humiliated her. But in turn RangRong went ahead and played a song dedicated to Rawee, which is in fact the song that Sang Laa played for Rangsee when they first met. Rawee storms off as RangRong follows.
RanRong and Rawee gets into an argument, and during the strugglr, Rangrong falls down the stairs, while Rangsee watches. ( Hmm.. My guess is that she is falling down on purpose) Rangsee tends to his daughter after the incident while RangRong cries and acts as if Rawee pushed her on purpose. Rangsee then yells at Rawee, but Rawee and Neung tries to tell him that it was an accident. Rawee goes to RangRong’s room to apologize, but instead RangRong taunts her and tells her that it’s worth getting hurt cause now Rawee looks like a wicked witch in front of Rangsee. So she pretty much admits that she fell downstairs on purpose.
Rangsee came right in time when Rawee got pissed at RangRong for pretending to fall. Rawee yanked RangRong back and forth causing Rangsee to see her yet again as a wicked witch. She tries to tell him that his daughter is making the whole thing up, but he doesn’t listen. Rawee then accuse Rangsee of loving Saeng la more than her. That’s when Rangsee shouts back at her that its true. She storms off, about to leave the mansion, but Neung talks her out of it. The next day, Neung tells RangRong that he knows she isn’t really hurt and starts yanking her around too. Before he leaves, he reassures her again that he’s on to her. At the office, the lawyer confronts Rawee, but it looks like that jealous Hi-So guy walked in on them thinking they have something going. He leaves the office, smirks to himself, and is probably going to use it against Rawee, since he and his Mother hated her from the start. When Rawee comes home, she tries to avoid RangRong, but RangRong keeps taunting her, threatening Rawee to slap her accross the face so that Rangsee can see it.
Episode 8 Synopsis/Recap
RangRong invite her dad to go out with her even though things aren’t that great between Rangsee and Rawee. Meanwhile, Rawee is at the temples trying to make merit for all her sins. She runs into a crazy lady who cries for her lost baby. Rawee feels bad and iffered that crazy lady’s caretaker to pay for her treatments at the hospital. Back at home, RangRong makes food for her daddy, but Neung and the hi-so princess comes up with a plan to lure Rangsee away. Neungâ€accidentally†dropped the food RangRong made so thay she’ll leave the house again to go buy more groceries. While she was gone, Neung lied to Rangsee that Raweefainted from food poisoning. And as for Rawee, the hi-so princess lied that Rangsee fell out of his wheelchair. So both adults were so worried about eachother that they rushed to the restaurant that they thought each person was at. They then find out that it was the work of their son. (I tjought it was so romantic how they were so worried about each other.) When Rawee saw Rangsee, she practically rushed over yo him and kneeled at his wheelchair to see if he was okay.
Rawee and Rangsee reconciled. RangRong kept calling her daddy, but the hi-so princess answered instead and taunted her. Later, the hi-so princess and her mother celebrated a plan well done. The plan was to make Neung see what a good person the hi-so princess is so that he’ll marry her in the future. Rawee and RangRong declares war on eachother. The next morning, RangRong left a letter for her dad stating that she’ll go to the beach alone in hopes that he’ll follow. Instead Neung volunteered to go instead so that Rangsee can stay at home and spend time with Rawee. (Looks like RangRong is in for a big surprise) When Neung arrives, RangRong was in the middle od her sob story thinking that it was her dad. She turns around and was shocked to see Neung. He picks her up and throws her in the oceahn. She yells help, cause she got a cramp and couldn’t swim. Neung walks away not believing her cause he knew she could swim, but didn’t know that she’s drowning cause of a cramp. When he didn’t hear her anymore, he panicks and ran back to the shore to see if she’s okay.
Episode 9 Synopsis/Recap
Neung jumps in the ocean and finds RangRong. He tries to wake her, but when that didn’t work, he then gives her mouth to mouth!! She spits out water and in attempt to care for her, he carries her to the hotel room, but on their way there, the two hi-so mother and daughter tries to stop him saying that she’s faking it. He doesn’t listen to them. When they get to the room, she regains conciousness and demanded him to leave eventhough he repeatedly apologizes. He runs off to the store to find medications while the mother daughter duo barges into her room and pulls her outside. RangRong manages to fight them off and they fall just in time for Neung to see. Fa, the hi-so girl acts as if RangRong was the first to harrass them.
Fa tells Neung that he should just leave RangRong to die so that he can receive all of the fortune himself. Neung scolds her and tells her to never say that again because he isn’t that kind of a person. Meanwhile, the crazy woman who always cries for her child that Rawee wanted to help was allmost trapped in a fire. (Hmm… I have a feeling that she is rwally Neung’s mom??) Neung tries to give RangRong food, but she just throws it at him and tells him to get out. Back at th mansion, Fa and her mother tries to put bad thoughts in Rawee’s head by saying that Neung and RangRong probably has something going on, that RangRong is probably seducing him. Rawee doesn’t believes them, but later when they leave, she tries calling her son but no answer causing her to worry. Neung watches RangRong from a window making sure she is okay. He feels better when he saw her finally eating some food.
Neung runs to RangRong’s side when he saw collapse at the sliding door. He puts her in bed and gets a basin of warm water and wipes her down. When she came to, she sits up and push him away and yelled at him to get out, but he tells her that she has a high fever and that she needs to take medications. She struggles, but gave in when he tells her that it’s too early for her to die and that she will lose out on becoming a heir. She gave in and took the medicine. He encouraged her to lay down as he touches her forehead. As he touch her forehead, there was a slight smile on his face while it looks like she also relaxed a bit.
On the drive home, there is an awkward silence, but Neung and RangRong keeps stealing glances at eachother. When RangRong was about to turn on the radio, so was Neung so their hands touch! And they didn’t even move it right away, instead they lingered it and stole more glances. Finally, RangRong moved hers, but Neung was smiling a bit and then when he lays his hand on the side, again their hands touch!! This time, Neung purposely took his pinky and touched hers, but she didn’t move it. He stops at the gas station to get her drink, and then Rawee calls worried and asked about what happened thinking that it was Neung, but RangRong answered. RangRong fed Rawee more worry when she said that her son spent all night in her room. Rawee hangs up in worry and then the elder servant says she’s got a plan!
Looks like Neung is really starting to care or like RangRong. When they got home, he still tries to tend to her, but she pushes him away. RangRong asks the elderly servant to inform her dad that she got sick but the elderly said that her dad and Rawee went out. RangRong storms to her room, very upset that her dad isn’t around to care for her. She hears a knock on the door, it’s Neung. He brought her bags in the room. He says something to her that I didn’t understand, but it looks like it was a taunt. He leaves, but there was second knock on the door. She gets up to go answer it rudely, but there was no one there. She looks down and there’s a bag of medicine with a note from Neung encouraging her to take them to feel better. She smiles a bit, while Neung is in the corner watching her and smiling too. Later she watches a movie, but was interrupted by him whhen he ask her why she still up and that she needs to take medicne. Raweee witness her son walking after RangRong and pulls him aside to warn him about being too close to her. He reasures her that everthing is fine. RangRong overhears Rawee’s warnings to her son and realizes that Rawee is very protective of him, so she tends to use that to her advantage.
Episode 10 Synopsis/Recap
RangRong cries to her daddy that she’s tired of staying home and that she doesn’t get much attention from her. She suggest that maybe she should go outside of the house and work. He told her she can work anywhere she wants, so she suggested working as Neungs secretary. Rawee tries to object but failed. Rawee turns to Fah for help. She hired Fah to go work as Neung’s secretary as well to keep watch on RangRong. Rawee confides in the lawyer that she feels as if her son, Neung is falling for this girl. She tells Fah to make sure to keep RangRong away from her son while she also warns Neung not to get involved wuth RangRong. Neung tells his mother that he truly thinks RangRong doesn’t have a secret motive, but just wants to work. Rawee tells him otherwise and says she will blame him first if anything happens. Fah and Rangrong gets into a battle at the office, insulting eachother with words!
RangRong and Fah has an ongoing battle with who’s going to make coffee for Neung. Since Fah doesn’t know how, she made RangRong make the coffee so that she can bring it to Neung and get credit, but RangRong tricked her and put salt in it instead. Then in comes Rangrong with a new cup of delicious coffee where Neung ends up telling Fah not to make coffee again. And then later, Neung had to go to a meeting, but since Fah was more experienced in the business and speaks english she was assigned to go. Rangrong teamed up with Soon (the guy who hates Neung) to make it so that RangRong gets to go instead. They got Fah trapped in the elevator while RangRong goes with Neung. After the meeting, RangRong pretended that her phone doesn’t work and so she borrows Neung’s phone, but her intention was only to call his mother and have her on the line while she flirts and speaks to Neung getting him to take her to eat at Pataya and lying to his mother about it. Rawee is very angered and upset when she heard the entire conversation.
Episode 11 Synopsis/Recap
It seems like Neung is starting to like her. He is full of kindness and affection towards her. Anyway, they are having dinner together at the seashore. They are having a nice conversation; she thanks him for bringing her here and he welcomes her with a sweet smile. He also says she isn’t as bad as his mother says she is. He then excuses himself; that’s when Rangrong calls Rawee and taunts her, throwing more salt to the wound that her son is taking her enemy out and that he’s liking her. After diner, RangRong sobs about how his mother hates her, and in turn he says he will try to pursua his mother otherwise. Then he embraces her in his strong muscular yummy arms!!!! They start playing on the beach and he lifts her up carrying her. And then he takes off his shirt to wash sand off od his hot body. Aww.. lol.. I can’t stop smiling now. I just hope RangRong doesn’t hurt him!! Meanwhile back at the office, Soon and Fah are at eachother’s throats, each trying to play up to RangRong and Neung in hopes to gain something out of their fortune in case either one of them inherts the whole thing.
RangRong pretends that she got something in her eye. Neung worryly goes to see what it is while she “accidentally†turns on the water causing him to slip a bit, but he grabs a hold of her where they are face to face. He looks into her eyes as he inch towards her to get a kiss, but she turns away. He realized what he had done and nervously smiles and tells her that he’ll go buy another outfit for her while she waits here. When he is gone, she grins widely at a job well done. Meanwhile back at the mansion, Rawee is pacing back and fourth waiting on her son. When he finally returns, she scolds him and questioned his whereabouts and confronts him about going out to eat with RangRong. While the mother and son argues, RangRong smirks and grin in her bedroom uttering under her breath that this is the only beginning. Ughh.. I can’t believe RangRong is going as far as using someone’s emotions to get revenge!
Fah and Soon continues to bicker at eachother while Neung sees RangRong’s empty desk. He misses her greatly and reaches for the phone serveral times to call her and see why she hasn’t come to work. Then surprise, he recives a phone call from her where she sobs that she doesn’t want to be the reason why he and his mother are fighting. Before she hangs up, she pretends to fall and the line goes dead. A worried Neung frantically goes home to see if she is okay. Meanwhile RangRong calls Rawee and bets that her son won’t be going to a meeting with Rawee cause he’s on his way to see her. When he gets there, Rangrong continues to play the cherades. She faked an injured foot and then faints. Neung takes her to her room and once she wakes up, she continues to sob and says she won’t be returning to work with Neung. He begs her to come back to work, but she tells him to leave her room in case his mother comes (of course its all an act, so that he will feel more for her). He refuses to leave, and then he goes:
Neung: RongRang, I beg.. please stay by my side.
And then…. they kiss!!! He lays her down while kissing her. Of course Rangrong wanted Rawee to come and see it, but Rangsee happened to roll in his wheelchair and saw it inside.
Episode 12 Synopsis/Recap
Rangsee stopped them from kissing. He puts his wheelchair on full blast, rolls over the Neung and slaps him across the face. He tells Neung that he can’t believe he would do such a thing like this. A very upset Rangsee vanishes Neung away even after Neung apologizes and kneeled at his feet. Rawee tried to to tell Rangsee that it was all of Rangrong’s doing, but Neung says it’s his fault that he couldn’t stop himself. He runs to his room and packs while his mother begs him to stay. And all the while this happened, RangRong is grinning and smirking happily at a job well done. She then tells her daddy that its her fault, she gave him mixed signals, that she only liked him as a brother.
Neung admits to his mother that he is in love with Rangrong, but he will try to mend his heart for the sake of the family. Rawee goes to Choke, her lawyer to get some advice and yet again, Soon walks in on them. For sure he’s going to use that against Rawee. Rawee and Rangrong is face to face again. This time RangRong tells Rawee that first her son, next is her. Rawee vows and swears that she will not let RangRong win. Before leaving, RangRong goes to Neungs office and pretends to be remorseful so that he will continue to love her. Fah and RangRong gets into a catfight, but Soon stops them. Soon has ill intentions and looks like he’s going to aide RangRong into hurting Rawee and Neung more than ever.
Episode 13 Synopsis/Recap
Chode the lawyer, Rawee, and Rangsee goes and visit the crazy lady. Rangsee thought it was a great idea that his wife decided to help out this poor lady. Once they got that, the crazy lady goes on a rampage thinking that one of them stole her baby. And then suddenly she hears music coming from a television set, the same music that Saeng Laa plays, so this is a clue that the super bitch RangRong is possible the crazy lady’s daughter stolen by the drunk mother. Anyway, the crazy lady tries to knock down the TV saying that music stole her baby. Meanwhile back at the mansion, Soon tells RangRong that Chode is in love with Rawee and has been since they were younger. And he says that with Rangsee’s health is declining, it’s a matter of time until he dies so that Rawee and Chode can be together since they seem pretty close.
Rangsee overhears Soon talking shit about Chode and Rawee. Rangsee stops Soon and tells him to get out of his house. Rangsee tells his “daughter†not to listen to Soon, that Chode is a good man and he’d never do such a thing, but ofcourse, she tries to convince him otherwise. She then asks Soon to be her detective and spy on Rawee and Chode. At the mental hospital, Khampang (crazy lady) sees another person’s baby and tries to go to it, but falls down the stairs and cracks her head pretty badly. She loses a lot of blood and Rawee and Chode was told that she needs a really rare blood type (AB negative) that no one else in Thailand seldom has. (I’ll bet anything that RangRong has the same blood type. lol) At the office, Soon spies on Rawee and Chode. He secretly takes pictures of them in the office while Rawee is holding some flowers that are probably for Khampang.
Fah and her mother spots Soon spying on Rawee and Chode. They stopped him, but they didn’t stop him from sending the photos to RangRong. She pretends to not want to show the photos to Rangsee, but deliberately drops the phone so that Rangsee will pick it up. Rangsee is shocked as he looks at the photo that seems like Chode is handing Rawee some flowers. He gets more suspicious as he watches his wife and Chode when she came home to pick up some documents. RangRong follows them. While she follows them, she goes “where are those two going??†So they got to the hospital, RangRong wanders around looking for Rawee so that she could take more increminating photos, but runs into Khampang’s room. She stares at Khampang for awhile (probably cause something feels familiar) and then Khampaeng wakes up and immediately grabbed on to RangRong saying that she’s her daughter. Rawee walks in and sees RangRong and ask her what she is doing here. RangRong lies that she is here to visit a friend. Later, a mental patient ran aross the courtyard and almost knocks Rawee down but was caught by Chode while RangRong secretly snaps a photo.
Rawee sees that RangRong is taking her photos. She gives chase and tries to take the camera from her, but RangRong manages to get away on foot. Rawee gets in her car and chase RangRong. RangRong trips on her shoe, causiing Rawee to accidentally hit her with the car. Rawee gets out of the car and helps her. At the hospital, Rangsee demands to know what happened. Rawee tells him that RangRong followed her and was snapping photos, she chased and accidentally hit her. Chode defended Rawee, but Rangsee remarks that he sure knows his wife well. The doctor tells them that RangRong woke up. He rolls his wheelchair inside and tells Rawee not to follow. He wanted to speak to RangRong alone.
Episode 14 - 15 Synopsis/Recap
Rangsee goes to talk to RangRong about the incident. She tries to act like a saint and defend Rawee , but then she turns around and say, she’s just probably mad and try to destroy the evidence cause I caught her and Chode. She tells Rangsee she also has photos of them together. Sge reaches in her bag to grab the phone and gives it to Rangsee, but than God the phone is empty!!! Yesss! And later, Neung comes to visit her. It was hard for him cause his heart wants to see her, but his mind says its wrong and doesn’t want to cause anymore trouble within the family. RangRong on the other hand used his emotions to her advantage and tried flirt and seduce him even from the hospital bed. When he didn’t give in to her coniving ways, she intentionally yelp out in pain causing him to run to her side. She looks into his eyes as if she really cared for him to and then they almost kiss! Neung oulls back and runs out of the room cursed himself for doing what he did. Soon is still up to no good sneaking around, hiding under tables to try and take photos of Rawee, but luckily Fah and her mother saw him and stepped on his hand. Meanwhile, Chode goes to sign some medical documents and finds out that RangRong has AB negative blood type; a very rare type that only a few people have! So he calls Rawee, but ask to see her in person. Rawee tries to get out of the house, while Rangsee starts to suspect something that isn’t really true.
Chode tells Rawee about the blood type and that he suspects that Rong isn’t really Rangsee’s daughter. Rangsee’s blood type is different from RangRong so that can only mean that the mother has to have the same blood type as the daughter. So the only way to find out is to find out what Saeng La’s blood type is. While they were talking about this new revelation, there he is, Soon in the corner snapping away pictures. When Rawee comes home, Ranngsee seems very suspicious of her and ask about the party that she said she attended. He emphasize on Chode and ask if she took Chode too, but Rawee says No. And then when Rawee left to tgo to bed, he reaches out and looks at the photos that Soon snapped of them. Rong hovers over his shoulders and throws more salt on the wound by saying she will bring out the truth about them once and for all. Fah visits Neung to warn him that Rong is up to no good, that she may be framing his mother for something. But Neung didn’t believe her, but acuse her of always acusing Rong falsely. Chode tells Rawee that the investigator they hired that’s been digging up Saeng La’s files want to see them. She agreed to meet him at Chode’s house. They go to Chode’s house and lo and behold, Soon follows. He hides in the bushes, and found out that they are doing some kind of investigation on Rong. He tells Rong that he didn’t hear learly, but they are investigating and is going to go to her old hometown tomorrow. The investigators told Rawee that it looks like Saeng La’s abortion was successful, and that neighbors of hers all of sudden see her with a new baby. They don’t recall her being pregnant.
Rawee goes to Saeng La’s hometown, and with the help of Soon, Rong was able to follow. Fah again tries to warn Neung, but he refuse to listen. He calls up Rong to see what she’s really up to and begged her that if she wanted to hurt someone, then hurt him. Fah calls Rwee and warns her that Rong will be staying at the room next to her, so Raerr checks out of that hotel and goes to a new one. Rawee and Chode does investigation from one clinic to the next and when they finally went to the hospital where Saeng La was taken for examination for her death, Rong also happened to be there. She eavesdrop and finds out that Rawee is researching to see what blood type Saeng La is. When the nurse gave the documents to Rawee, she was jumping for joy cause it shows that Saeng La has type O blood. So that means Rong isn’t Saeng La’s daughter either. Rong overhears that she isn’t Saeng La’s daughter either.
Eventhough Rong hears that she isn’t Saeng La’s daughter,she steals the documents and made a run for it. Chode and Rawee chases her to the riverbank. Rawee tells her its over, she isn’t neither person’s daughter so she should just give up. She promises not to pursue any faults but will give her money and let her be on her way, but Rong refuses to acknowledge the truth and rips up the documents and threw it in the river. Rawee is devasted and felt defeated. On the way back to the hotel, Chode finds a piece of torn paper on Rawee and it has another clinic that Saeng Ka used to go. They have hope again and went to go search the river for more ripped up paper. They see a name of a clinic. Ad once again. they were able to retrieve the evidence. However, Rong is out for revenge still. Her coniving ass still wants to hurt Rawee and take all the fortune so she calls up Soon to bring her father to that place cause she has a plan to show her father that chode and Rawee slept together. Neung finally believe Fah, but its too late, when he went to go see Rangsee, he had already left. Yet asgain, Rong overhears that Rawee has another set of documents, so she knocks out the cleaning lady and got the keys to all the hotel rooms. (Okay, uhmmm… eventhough Rawee has some bad Karma for aborting unborn child, what the fuck else does Rong want?? She now knows she isn’t related to any of them!!! So now she knows the truth about herself, and she’s still going to pretend to be Rangsee’s daughter??
Episode 16 - 17 Synopsis/Recap
Rawee checks her document again and put it safely in her luggage. There’s a knock on the door, it’s room service that she did not order. The room service guy says its from Chode. She happily accepts it and drinks the OrangeJuice, and then suddenly she is drugged and knocked out from the OrangeJuice. And then there’s a knock at Chode’s door, room service that he did not order. .The delivery boy says its from Rawee, so he drinks the OrangeJuice. And then his phone rings, it’s RangRong pretending to be Rawee. She goes Chode, help! So Chode frantically runs to Rawee’s room. By the time he got there, he felt the effects of the drug, so he collapse right next to Rawee on the bed. In walks the wicked evil bitch, RangRong. She gives a long and sarisfying smirk and takes a photo of them. She puts Chode’s arm around Rawee. And then she grabs the luggage, goes through Rawee’s things, and finds the documents and destroys it. Down in the lobby, Rangsee rolls in with his wheelchair along with the annoying bastard, Soon. RangRong pretends to act sorry and urges her father not to go upstairs to see his wife, but ofcourse it only made him more curious. Rawee regains conciousness, she sees Chode next to her and is concerned and tries to wake in him, just in time for Rangsee to roll his ass in to see them, right behind him is Rong. He demands an explaination as to what his wife was doing in bed with Chode. She frantically tells him the truth about their investigation on Saeng La and RangRong. She pulls oout her luggage and the enevelope and showed him the evidence, but it is blank!!! That bitch took it and replaced it with a blank paper. Chode tries to explain to Rangsee that he and Rawee are innocent, but Rangsee slaps him across the face! Rangsee tells Rawee that he isn’t surprised cause he can’t satisfy her anymore. Not only is he old, he’s also handicapped. Rawee cries out and try to tell him that it wasn’t true. She never thought of cheating on him ever!!!
Chode explains that when they were younger, he did like Rawee, but he respects Rangsee and Rawee as his boss and friend too much to jeopardize their relationshup. He begs Rangsee to believe that they are innocent, but Rangsee refuses. Rawee then says its no use so stop begging. From now on they are through. A destraught Rangsee agrees and left the room along with the evil bitch, RangRong snmirking up a storm. I swear, when she smirks like that I want to club her face wth a baseball bat. Neung finally arrives and sees his mother in a devasted state. He finally believe his mom now that RangRong, the girl he loves is an evil bitch, and she not even Rangsee’s daughter nor Saeng La’s daughter. So what’s her motive now???? Back at the mansion, Rangsee is heartbroken and cries while RangRong smirks and grin like a valture. (Okay, uhmm… for those still supporting RangRong right now, I’m sorry. but how can you grin while someone is in pain like that? Knowing damn well that you were the cause of it and you’re not even his real daughter? Yeah, you will say Rawee is bad too for aborting a child, and its Karma… I’m not doubting that at all, but the point is Rong knows she isn’t even related to all of them and yet she hurt them!) So anyway, Neung goes to RangRong. She tries to deny that it was her doing, that his mom really went to have sex with Chode. But Neung already knows the truth about her coniving ass and tells her that any good feeling he had for her is now gone and that he hates her.
When Neung tells her that he hates her, she appears to have tears in her. Good for her! She needs to feel pain too. Rangsee comes out and see Neung and demands to know what he’s doing here and what he is doing to his daughter. Neung tries to explain to Rangsee that his Mom is innocent, but Rangsee refuse to listen and tells him to get out. At the spa, Fah tells her mom that she will find a way for Rawee and Neung to get back into Rangsee’s good graces again cause she still want to marry Neung and become rich. Later Soon rerminds Rong that he wants his reward for a job well done. He takes her hand and says the reward he wants is to become Rangsee’s son-in-law. (Haha.. what is Rong going to do now? I hope Soon turns on her drugs and do dirty tricks that she did to others!) At the condo, Neung encourages his mom to go have a long talk with Rangsee. Rong overheard that Rawee will be coming by to have a talk with Rangsee from the elderly servant, so she quickly goes to Rangsee to make sure he doesn’t forgive Rawee. She tells Rangsee that not only did Rawee cheat on him, try to blackmail her that she isn’t his daughter, but she also try to abort her. Ofcourse, Rong didn’t mention the whole truth. Rawee comes to talk to Rangsee, in hopes to reconcile, but Rangsee confronts her about the abortion. Rawee admits that she did forece Saeng La to do abort only cause she was very upset that he cheated on her, but the real issue here is the real RongRong is dead and some strange girl is pretending to be his daughter. Ofcourse Rangsee won’t listen and thinks she is a horrible person. He tells her to leave and never come back.
Rawee breaks down when Rangsee told her to get out. In the dark corner, Rong calls up Soon and tells him to prepare the divorce paper. Fah follows Soon and tried to snatch the divorce document but was unsuccessful. Later Rong shows Rangsee the divorce paper and lied that its from Rawee. Enraged, he signs it and then Rong goes to Rawee and lied that Rangsee sent the divorce paper. Neung didn’t believe and tried to call Rangsee to see if he really sent it but Rawee stopped it and said its no use. No one can make him sign it but him, so she signs it. Rong happily takes the paper and says she isn’t Sutyathi anymore so she has no right to anything. Rong brings the paper back to Rangsee and he sees that Rawee signed it. He storms away with his wheelchair and demands the servant to take down all of Rawee’s photos and demands to hire another lawyer so he could change the will and give everything to RangRong. And then a lawyer goes to Rawee and tells her that the divorce isn’t final until she signs it in front of an official. (yayy.. this gives Rawee time to do something quick!) Chode tells Rawee that in order to prove their innocence and stop Rong, they must search for Rong’s real mother.
Episode 18 Synopsis/Recap
The Psychiatric doctor hypnotizes Khampang so that she will relive the moment when her baby got stolen.Khampang went to the temple to pray and make merit. She sees a homeless lady playing the violin instrument, so she tosses some money in there. She goes into the temple and sets the baby unattended on the floor to go pray. (newsflas! how the heck you’re going to set the baby unattended like that?) When she came back, her baby was gone. All she saw was the back of the homeless lady running away. Chode calls the doctor, at first the doctor said Khampaeng is doing good, but suddenly she hears that music again and starts going on a rampage. The doctor tells Chode that she was okay until she heard that music. Chode goes to Khampaeng and tries to ask her about the incident again, but all she could do is cry out for her child. At the mansion, Rangsee holds a photo of Rawee and thinks about the past and their love. The evil bitch who I might remind you that isn’t his real daughter comes barging in and sees it. She calls out for the servant to come toss out the photos or even better, burn them. And then later at the finalization of the divorce paper, Rawee and Rangsee meets again, and shares words of bicker. Rangsee mentioned that Rawee is so anxious to to divorce. A confuse Rawee says, no I thought you were the one who is anxious. Afraid that they would find out the truth about the divorce papers, Rong opens her nasty mouth and changes the subject.
At the divorce office, Rawee and Rangsee finds out that neither of them were the ones who sent the papers, but immediately Rangsee assumes that Chode was the who sent it. A angry Rangsee starts to sign the paper, but his heart starts to hurt. He clutches at his heart while Rawee frantically helps him. She reaches into her purse and pulls out his medication. When he felt better, he asked her why she still have his meds in her purse. He thanked for saving his life. He grabs her hand and then they each protest their love. Rawee then begged Rangsee to please give her time to bring evidence that she’s innocent. Their divorce paper is put on hold. Outside the office, Rong and Soon taunts Neung. Soon keeps holding to Rong and tells Neung that they will get married real soon. When Rawee and Rangsee appears from the office, Rong is angered to find out that the divorce is put on hold. She runs after Rawee to see what happened. Rong vows to ruin Rawee no matter what it takes. At the office, Rong post up a paper telling all the workers that Rawee isn’t part of the company anymore and if they see her then call security immediately. Neung walks in to see Rong in her evil action. He storms off, but somehow Rong felt a bit bad?? Uhh yeah right. She follows him and urges him not to quit, but Soon barges in and tells him to leave, which he gladly did. Uhhmm.. okay, who the hell is Soon anyway? Why is he running the office? He’s so damn annoying. So Rawee comes and see the sign. Immediately she goes find Rong and finds her in her seat. Rong tells her she doesn’t belong here and remind her that Rangsee divircing her cause she had an affair. But Rawee told her that she knows damn right that she was set up. And that’s when Rong admitted to everything that she was the one who staged the scene for Rangsee to see and misunderstood.
Episode 19 Synopsis/Recap
Fah comes into work and finds her desk and Neung’s things missing. Soon shows and tells her that he is the new man in charge now. Fah calls Neung, and Neung tells her he quit cause he can’t stand being around Rong and Soon. He tells her they are trying to find Rong’s real mother so the new arrangement won’t be long. Fah vows to stick around and keep an eye onthose two for Neung. Rawee and Chode wonders where to start. They don’t even have a clue who might be Rong’s mother, so chode suggested searching Rong’s room. The elderly servant and other servant searches Rong’s room and found some photos. So now they kknow for sure its a baby girl. Rong comes home and finds the servants in her room, but good thing she didn’t find out that they took her photos to gice to Rawee. Rawee studies the photos and then decides to go investigate Saeng La’s home town again. At the mansion, Rawee tells Rangsee that if he wanted this whole ordeal to be over, why not divorce Rawee? Rangsee then suggest a DNA blood testing, and that’s when Rong was startled, dropped the tray; as if she got caught in the headlines. This girl knows she isn’t the daughter so now she is panicking and throws a tantrum.
Rong: Boohoo.. you don’t trust me, you rather trust Rawee. In that case I will leave here and you won’t see me again. Boohoo.. Wahh Wahh!!
Rangsee : It’s not like that, I trust you, I just want to prove to Rawee that you’re really my daughter!
In the meantime, Rawee and Chode does a little investigation at Saeng La’s town. The town people tells them that Saeng La is a drunk and that Rong is a habitual theif. When the town people said that Saeng La used to go beg at the temple, that’s when Chode and Rawee thought of Khampaeng since Khampaen got her child stolen at the temple.
Chode and Rawee went to the temple where Khampaeng got stolen. At first the monk couldn’t remember Saeng La, but after a few minutes he remembered her and told them that Saeng La also likes to steal all kinds of things from the Wat. She also left her instrument at the Wat. The monk gave the instrument to Rawee and Rawee intends to show it to Khampaeng in hopes that Khampaeng remembers that homeless girl who stole her child. Rong continues to act out her tantrums. The elderly servant tells rangsee that if she is innocent and really his daughter, she shouldn’t be afarid of the DNA test. When Rong finally opens the door, just so that his so-called daughter could stop her tantrums, he promise her not to talk about the DNA test again. But Rong still acts upset, so Rangsee ask her what he can do to prove to her that he believes her. She then tells him to change the will and give her all his fortune. He agrees. Rawee shows the instrument to Khampaeng causing her to go bersek. And then Rawee shows her some photos. When she saw a photo of her child with Saeng La, that’s when she points out that its her baby. Back at the mansion, Rangsee summoned a lawyer to change the will. Rong grinning and smiling, excited that the fortune will finally be hers eventhough she knows damn well, she aint the heir. She reminds me of a lion waiting behind the bushes to attack its prey.
Rong: Father, you have not sign the will yet? Go ahead and sign it.
Rangsee: Daughter, now that I have proven myself that I trust you, when I sign it, will you do one thing for me?
Rong: Yes! I will do anything for you!!!
Rong’s shuddering and shaking in her pants cause she can’t wait for him to sign. After Rangsee signs the paper, she looks like a victorious villain who just killed her prey.
Rangsee: Now that I signed, will you do me the favor?
Rong: Yes! Anything!
Rangssee: Will you go with me to take the DNA test?
Rong’s smile turns upside down and she starts to panic.
Episode 20 Synopsis/Recap
Rong is lost for words when asked to do a DNA test again. That’s when Rawee walked in and comfirm that she found her mother and would like to have Rong do a test along with her real mother. As Rawee left the mansion, Rong ran after her and accused Rawee of finding a bogus person to pretend to be her mother and demands who it is. Rawee refuse to answer and says its a surprise. Rong says its impossible cause even she doesn’t know who her mother is! (Yeah really) An upset Rong rampages to her room, grabs Saeng La’s framed photo, and throws it to the floor shattering. The elderly servant comes in with Rong’s old duffle bag and tells her she may be needing it soon. Neung looks a bit concerned when Rawee tell him that she found Rong’s real mother. He says.. but what will happen to Rong now??
Rong is so worried about the DNA testing that she couldn’t even eat her dinner. She even puked later on, but Rangsee reassured her that everything would be okay. Rong fried her brain tryibg to think of what to do next. She calls Soon and asked him to follow Rawee. When Soon found Rawee’s location, Rong follows. They end up the mental facility. rong follows Rawee and Chode wanting to find out who the woman that they said was her mother. As she peaked through the window, another crazy patient distracts her. By the time she was able to lose that crazy patient, Rawee and Chode and Khampaeng was already gone. And then when Khampeng waits to go with Rawee, she spots Rong and calls out to her. She gets a hold of Rong and hugs her. Rong pushes her off, was rude to Khampaeng, and called her crazy.
Rong goes hide in the break room when she saw Rwee coming. Khampaeng followed but was pushed by Rong causing her to bump into a table spilling juice. The juice fell to a outlet, and it seeped slowly towards Khampaeng’s foot while Rong held her down hiding. But luckily Khampaeng moved in time so no electric shock there. Rong manages to escape Khampaeng’s grasp. Later at the mansion, Fah and her mother goes and gives Rangsee flowers, congratulating him that soon he will be rid of bad stuff. On their way out, they bump into Rong and continues to taunt her. Rong tries to stay calm, but is shaking in her pants cause later on that night, she tried to escape. But before she could leave, Rangsee caught her. She stands there like a blurglar caught red handed while trying to come up with an excuse.
Episode 21 Synopsis/Recap
Rangsee caught Rong leaving, but Rong lies that she was taking dirty clothes to wash. He takes her back to her room. When the coast was cleared, Rong was about to leave again, but the elderly servant stopped her and guarded the door. The next morning Rangsee sent the servant to go get Rong so they could get going. The servant found Rong unconcioys. She has overdosed on painkillers. They rushed to the hospital and got her stomach pumped. Rawe brings Khampaeng home, but when she heard the news about Rong, she ruses to the hospital. Rangsee says to postpone the DNA test, but Rawee got a plan and asked Rangsee to help. When Rong wakes up, Rawee goes to tell Rong that eventhough she tried to avoid the DNA test, she got one anyway, cause the doctors took her blood!! Rong goes crazy and panics. Later they take Khampaeng to the hospital to do the DNA test. When Neung sees Rangsee, he goes over to comfort him. Rangsee says, when the results come out, if either Rawee or Rong was lying, either way.. he’d be heartbroken.
Soon visits Rong and demands what’s going on. Rong frantically ask him to help her escape. Meanwhile, the nurse and Rawee tries to draw Khampaeng’s blood, but Khampeng is scared of needles so they blindfolded her. On the way out, Rong sees Neung and is suspicious of why he was there at the hospital. She follows him and sees that they are about to draw a woman’s blood. Rong wanted to find out who the woman was but couldn’t see her face. Right when the nuse was about to stick Khampaeng, Kampaeng yelped out and ran off. She runs off and hides in a room, but Rong sees what r oom she is hiding in it and vows that Rawee will never win her!
Episode 22 Synopsis/Recap
Rong lures Khampaeng away. Rawee, Chode, and Neung chases Rong and Khampaeng across town. They ended up on a bridge over the river. In a desperate attempt to destroy the evidence, Rong cruely tells Khampaeng that she’s not her mother and that she is a thorn in her side. Rong then did the unthinkable and pushes Khampaeng off the bridge into the river. (Poor Khampaeng…Rong is beyond evil.) Rong goes back to the hospital and acts innocent. She lies to Rangsee that she didn’t take Khampaeng. Meanwhile, a rescue team dives into the river to search for Khampaeng. Rangsee tells Rong that it doesn’t matter if Khampaeng ran away, cause either way he’ll find out if she is his daughter or not. A desperate Rong tries to get Rangsee’s results to destroy it, but was unsuccessful. Soon then confronts her that he now knows that she isn’t his daughter and threathens to reveal the truth to Rangsee. Rong holds him back, but then yells out that she is on the will and that if he doesm’t tell, she’ll share the fortune with him.
Rong encourages Soon to keep helping her cause when she wins, she will share the fortune. Soon demands half of it and Rong agrees. They then come up with a plan of killing Rangsee. Rong tries to find out what kinds of health problems Rangsee has. The elderly servant warns Rong that she better not try anything cause she’s the one who will be handling Rangsee’s foods and medicines. At the mall, Soon and Rong meets to come up with a way to kill Rangsee. Soon hands Rong some medications to make Rangsee’s heart beat out of control. Fah happens to be at the mall too and hides and spies on them, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying.
Episode 23 Synopsis/Recap
Fah tried to see what Medication it was, but Rong snatched it from her hand. Fah called Rawee to tell her that something suspicious was going. Rawee went through the package rong brought, but it was only prescriptions. Later, the elderly servant had to go to the market and left the other sevant to look after Rangsee. Rangsee tells Rawee on the phone that as soon as he hears the DNA results then he will change the Will. Rong heard the whole thing, and decided to go make some soup and add aditional poison to kill him quicker. Neung went to Soon, and knocked him around a few times to get the truth out of him, but Soon refuses to talk. Right before Neung left, he blurts out that as soon as their plan works, then he’ll get half of Rangsee’s fortune.
Rong tricked the servant to leave the house so that she could poison Rangsee with the tainted medications. But luckily, the elderly servant found out that the other servant wasn’t home so she called Rawee right away. Rong tried to make Rangsee eat the tainted soup, but luckily Rangsee said he wasn’t liking the taste. So Rong tried to give him the medication, but good thing Rawee came right in time and told him that she ordered new sets of prescriptions for him. Rawee went to destroy all medications that was brought home by Rong. However, Rong still had a hidden stash. Later, Rawee hit a recoder in a drawer, while making a deal with Rong that she’ll give her money and won’t find faults if she just goes away. And Rawee got Rong to confess every dirty deed she did and it was all recorded!!!
Episode 24 Synopsis/Recap
So Rawee records their conversation, but only ended up with Rong destroying the recorder cause the recorder beeped vausing Rong to find out. However, in the corner of the hallway, it is Rangsee. Apparently, he heard everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Yess.. finally) Rawee tells Neung to guard Rangsee, and not to let Rong get near him. Neung goes ibto Rangsee’s room to feed him some fruits. That’s when Rangsee apologizes to Neung for misunderstanding him all along. And they hug.
But Rong called Soon and they devised a plan to get Neung out of the house. Soon called Neung, pretending that there was an emergency about how Rong was planning on killing Rangsee. Neung believed, and left in a hurry. Later at the mansion, there is a blackout. The elderly servant and the other servants went to go check the circuits and then went to see if Rangsee is safe. Then suddenly, the lights came home. And all the servants went back down stairs to drink their ginger tea. It looks like during the blackout, Rong put sleeping medication in their tea. Neung gets to the abanadoned warehouse and is attacked and got knocked out by a goon that Soon hired. Rawee heard the commotion on the phone while talking to Neung, so she rushes off to see if Neung is okay.
Rangsee is crying and apologizing to his ancestors that he couldn’t bear a heir to continue the bloodline. Meanwhile, downstairs, all the servants are knocked out by the medications. Rawee and Neung rushes home to Rangsee. Rawee tries to call several times, but no answer. Rangsee then realized that he needed to change the will. He takes out a paper and wrote a letter voiding his previous will that has Rong in it. In the letter, he wants to hand all the assets over to Neung and Rawee. The door opens and Rong walks in with medications. She throws awway the medicine from the servant who brought it over. And then Rangsee confronts her about what she said in Rawee’s office. That’s when rong’s true side came out in front of Rangsee.
Rangsee: Why are you calling me father now? When earlier you called me that old bastard!
Rong: Oh, so you heard me? Good.. that will just make my job easier!
Rangsee: Why are you doing this? I loved you! I treated you with compassion and kindness like a daughter.
Rong: Because you wanted to do the DNA testing that’s why! You’s rather trust Raweee, instead of me. Now I’m forced to take this route!!
She walks towards him and tries to put the medication in his mouth, but he pushed it away causing it to fall to the floor. She picks it up and walks towards him with a smirk.
Episode 25 Synopsis/Recap
Chodes sticks a gun on Soon’s back to make him admit everything. Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Rong forces Rangsee to take the medicine, but he spits it out. He puts his wheelchair into high speed and runs over her foot, but was unable to get into the elevator in time. Rong backs him into the staircase, he falls out of his wheelchair to try and get away, but ends up at the mercy of Rong when she holds on to him, talks more crap, and then let him fall to his death. Rong calls 911 and fake a devastation that Rangsee fell down the stairs. Rawee goes to see Rangsee at the hospital, accuses Rong od killing him, but was called by a doctor cause Rangsee is finally recesitated. Rong looks shocked that Rangsee is still alive. Raewee and Neung goes to Rangsee and tries to get him to respond. When he responds, that was when Rong walks into the room causing him to go into shock and dies.
Rawee cries over Rangsee’s cprpse and then goes to attavh Rong to accuse her of murder. She vows to put Rong in jail. At the police station, she shows a recoding of Soon confessing to attempted murder on Rangsee, however.. when Rong came to the police station, Rong claims that Soon was forced to say those things by gunpoint and that Rangsee must have commited suicide cause he saw photos of Rawee and Chode together, so apparently the cops says the recording wasn’t suffucient evidence and the entire case against Rong is ruled out.
Episode 26 Synopsis/Recap
At Rangsee’s funeral, a racus breaks out. Rong taunts Rawee and tells her she has the nerves to show up at the funeral when Rangsee supposedly killed himself after seeing photos of her and Chode. Rong then shows the photo to everyone at the funeral. The guests starts to pass the photo around. Rawee tries to tell everyone that Rong isn’t Rangsee’s daughter and that Rangsee was murdered, but no one listened. A distraught Rawee leaves the funeral crying and defeated. The next day, the will was read by the attourney stating that all assests and empire will go to Rong. Chode and Neung is shocked and feels like this will is not right and that there must be another will to void it.
Late at night, Neung breaks in and goes through the office, but finds nothing. Rong walks in on him and taunts him, and ends up trying to choke the bitch but gave up saying he isn’t as evil as her. The elderly servant goes to bid her goodbye to Rangsee, but before she leaves, the window mysteriously open causing wind to blow in. When the servant was about to close it, a red ancestry book falls out that holds the letter that Rangsee wrote. When the servant went through it, just when she was about to get to the page with the letter she stops. On the way out, Rong stops her and inspects the items that she took. Rong looks at the red book book, but luckily didn’t turn the page to where the letter is.
Rawee mourns for Rangsee and cries and apologizes for being able to carry on his legacy. She sees the red book, holds on to it, but didn’t open it. Rong announces to Soon that she wants to sell the company and the house, but Soon demands his share. Later, Rawee is devasted to learn that Rong will be selling. She calls up Rong to try and stop her, but rong tells her she’s getting ready to go on tv to announce something important.
Episode 27 Synopsis/Recap
Rawee gets ready to go away to the secluded home she has in the country. She takes the elderly servant along with her. She reasures Neung that she will be fine before heading off. Fah confronts Soon about firing her fron the company. Soon taunts her and says he will give her the opening of being his mistress if she obeys. Fah refuses to be his mistress and curse him that heaven will punish him soon. At the country house, Chode sends Rawee a gun to protect her self. Later, she tunes into the ch. 5 news, curious as to what Rong has in store for her. When the news reporter shows a photo of her and Chode passed out in bed, Rawee goes into total shock and is quickly devasted and saddened that she wassn’t able to continue his legacy. A very upset Rawee goes into her and bedroom and grabs the gun to end her misery. Right before she pulled the trigger, the elderly servant stopped her by pulling away the gun. They go into a struggle, Rawee trying to take back the gun, and the servant trying to take it away. As they struggled, the history Suriyathit book fell off the bed. When the struggle was over, the servant picked it up and there lays the last will written by Rangsee. Finally, Rawee regains hope.
Upset by what she did to his mother, Neung goes into Rong’s bedroom and tries to rape her, but Rong manages to push him off. When Neung was about to go in for another attempt, Rawee calls and informs about the new will. Neung quickly runs off, making Rong suspicious. He gets a fax from Rawee and off he goes to show Chode the will, but little did he know that Rong was following him. When he got to Chode’s office, Neung made the most stupidest move and left the important life saving document in his unlocked car. When he got back, the document is gone. He and Chode immediately knows that Rong took it. He calls up his mother and warns her. In an attempt to hide the original document, Rawee hids it in Rangsee’s picture frame, in case Rong comes by. The elderly servant goes around locking up the house in fear that Rong might come in, but walah!! Like magic, Rong already got in and knocks the servant unconcious.
Episode 28 Synopsis/Recap (Last Episode)
The servant is knocked out cold. Rong lurks in the darkness while Rawee starts to look for the servant. Something doesn’t feel right, so Rawee goes to her drawer to grab the gun, but like magic it disappeared. And when she turned around, there she is Rong standing there pointing the missing gun at Rawee’s face. She demands for the will, but Rawee lied to her and says its in the box. As Rawee pretends to get the will from the box, rong gets impatient, so she pistol whips Rawee. Rong’s eyes wander around in search of the will. while she wasn’t looking Rawee throws the box at her causing her to lose balance. Rawee charges her and they struggle for the gun. The gun accidentally shoots the picture frame, causing the will to fall out.
They fight for the will. but Rawee got a hold of it and ran for her life while Rong chases and shoots, but misses. Then finally she caught up with Rawee and manages to shoot her in the shoulders. Rawee gets away, and calls Neung, but was quickly struck by a big stick/ She knocks out. Rong grabs the will and tries to burn it, but a mysterious wind blows out the flame. Then finally, Rong manages to put the flames on the will. but Rawee woke up in time to stop her. The will then falls off the balcony and landed on the dirt. The two women fight some more, but Rong manages to push Rawee off and runs down to the ground to fetch the will, but its gone! Chode holds up the will and tells Rawee that its over. Neung, Rawee, and Chode surrounds Rong and tells her its over, her time is coming. Rong refuses and runs off.
Rong goes to her shack feeling defeated. As she enter, Neung awaits. She tries to get away, but Neung grabs her and tells her its over and she needs to face reality. Rong cries out saying there must other ways, but Neung reminds her that there isn’t. She cries and says she did everything for her mother Saeng La. Neung consoles her and tells her to start over and that he’ll take care of her. She agrees and goes with Neung. When they reach the mansion, Rong faces Rawee again, but Rawee tells her the cops are on their way. A destraut Rong goes to her room and tries to think of a way out while the sirens gets closer. The cops reaches the mansion and was led to Rong’s room. Upon entering, rong is gone. Looks like she jumped out the window. Neung finds a letter from Rong.
The letter reads, I’m sorry ParnRawee for everything. I know I am wrong for killing those who love me. I know my punishment. Neung remembers that she pushed Khampang, her real mother down the bridge so he quickly realized what she was referring to so he goes to the bridge. Rong stands over the bridge and thought of all the bad shit she did. She killed her real mother and Rangsee, someone who loved her. She utters and apology to her real mother and gets up on the ledge. Neung runs to her and begs her to get off. He tries to get convince her to not jump.
Neung: Rong!! Please, don’t. We can start over!
Rong: I’ve done too many bad deeds to start over.
Neung: But you can stay alive and repay for what you did.
Rong: I know my punishment.
Neung: Rong, No!
Rong: Neung, please do one thing for me?? Please don’t hate me anymore? Please?
Neung: Rong… I hate myself… for not being able to hate you. I never hated you!!
Rong: Thank you, Neung.. before I go .. I just want to let you know that this evil girl… loves you!
And she jumps.
Neung: RangRong!!! RangRong!!!
Everything is set. Rawee and Neung gets Suriyathit back. Soon gets arrested by the cops while fah takes his photo and reminds him that heaven will punish him. (Finally.. this guy deserves it!) Rawee says she will devote her life to religion and make merit towards Rangsee, for Saeng La, for Khampaeng, and for the aborted baby. Eventhough she knew that what she did could never be forgiven, she wants to devote her life to doing good. And then finally, Neung goes to water and scatter flowers over it and bit a final goodbye to Rong.
Neung: Rong… I hope next lifetime, you will have a better life than this. And I hope that I get to see you again one day, so that I can tell you that I love you.
- The End -
Video klip Striving For A Sun Episode 1
Striving For A Sun Episode 1 Part 1
Striving For A Sun Episode 1 Part 2
Striving For A Sun Episode 1 Part 3
Striving For A Sun Episode 1 Part 4

- Dialah orangnya betultak mak? Orang yang menyebabkan kamu mati dengan sedih. Jangan bimbang, mak. Saya akan ambil balik segala milik saya. Saya nak mereka tanggung akibatnya! Untuk kamu... Bersambung dalam Episode 2 pada 21 Julai 2010 pada waktu yang sama, di TV3.
Striving For A Sun Episode 2
Striving For A Sun Episode 2 Part 1
Striving For A Sun Episode 2 Part 2
Striving For A Sun Episode 3 Part 3
Striving For A Sun Episode 2 Part 4
Striving For A Sun Episode 3
Striving For A Sun Episode 3 Part 1
Striving For A Sun Episode 3 Part 2
Striving For A Sun Episode 3 Part 3
Striving For A Sun Episode 3 Part 4
Striving For A Sun Episode 4
Striving For A Sun Episode 4 Part 1
Striving For A Sun Episode 4 Part 2
Striving For A Sun Episode 4 Part 3
Striving For A Sun Episode 4 Part 4
Striving For A Sun Episode 5
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 5 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 5 Part 2
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 5 Part 3
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 5 Part 4
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 6 on July 28, 2010
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 6 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 6 Part 2
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 6 Part 3
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 6 Part 4
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 6 Part 5
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 on July 29, 2010
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 2
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 3
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 5
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 8
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 8 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 8 Part 2
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 8 Part 5
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 9
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 9 Part 1
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 10
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 10 Part 1
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 11
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 11 Part 2
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 12
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 12 Part 2
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 13
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 13 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 13 Part 2
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 14
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 15
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 16
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 16 Part 2
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 17
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 18
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 19
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 20
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 21
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 21 Part 1
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 21 Part 4
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 22
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 22 Part 1
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Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 22 Part 3
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 22 Part 4
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 23
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 23 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 23 Part 2
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 23 Part 3
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 23 Part 4
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 24
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 24 Part 2
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 24 Part 3
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 24 Part 4
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