Informasi terbaru Dong Yi Episode 38 Synopsis (Summary 38) - 50 Episode Korean Drama Dong Yi (??) from March 8, 2010 every Monday at 21.55pm kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia, semoga informasi Dong Yi Episode 38 Synopsis (Summary 38) - 50 Episode Korean Drama Dong Yi (??) from March 8, 2010 every Monday at 21.55pm memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua.

Dong Yi Summary 38
Choi Dong Yi waits outside her residence. Jeong Sang Gung comes
Jeong Sang Gung: It is deposition….Mamanim
Choi Dong Yi is surprise
Jeong Sang Gung: Sukjong has decree to depose Queen Jang as Queen Consort
Choi Dong Yi looks concern rather than excited
Sukjong: It is said that the Queen Consort position must in done in benevolence & prudent virtues to provide important support in looking after the King & its subject but Queen Jang has finally lost that virtues that has committed a crime against the Royal Household that can’t render any pardoned or absolution, therefore Queen Jang will no longer has the right to resides in Gyotaejeon, therefore I decree that today the year Gapsul, 4th Month 12th day that I will depose Queen Jang from her position as Queen Consort & revoke her rights with immediate effect
Queen Jang grips her Chima, then Queen Jang’s residence staff cries as Queen Jang waits her fate. Mdm Yoon shocked that Sukjong decree to depose Queen Jang as Queen Consort & cries that this is impossible & can’t be happening then collapse in faint on Yeong Sun then shouts for the Physician to come
Sukjong: But however giving consideration the welfare of the Crown Prince & that Jang Ok Jung is the mother of Crown Prince & that right can’t be revoke therefore depose her as Queen Consort but bestowed to her former status as Hee Bin that the Crown Prince will not be affect by the deposition. Hence the former Queen Inhyeon who was depose in the year of Gisa that has been reveal to be have unjustly wrong from falsely accuse fraudulent therefore in order to amends the wrongs that I have made, will reinstate Queen Inhyeon as Queen Consort & render her all the appropriate rites & rights
Gwon Kan is falsely accuse by the power of authority
Official carrying Sukjong decree to go to Queen Inhyeon’s cottage. Jung Geum calls to a surprised Queen Inhyeon as Do Seong Ji comes to her cottage to read Sukjong’s decree as she sees the decree & Do Seong Ji greets her as “Jung Jong Mamaâ€. Queen Inhyeon finally realise what is about to happened. In the Royal Court Jung In Guk thanked Sukjong for his gratitude to reinstate Queen Inhyeon as Queen Consort. The Royal Court vocal gratitude to Sukjong for the reinstatement of Queen Inhyeon
Do Seong Ji reads Sukjong decree as Queen Inhyeon kneels to accept the decree as it reads that the year Gapsul, 4th Month 12th day reinstates Yeoheung Min Queen Inhyeon as Queen Consort. After reading Do Seong Ji passes the decree to Ahn Sang Gung, as they kneel before Queen Inhyeon & greet & address her as Jung Jong Mama. Queen Inhyeon finally break down in tears that she has finally been redeem her innocence as Queen Inhyeon calls out to Sukjong. Ahn Sang Gung & Jung Geum feels for Queen Inhyeon
Choi Dong Yi learns from Shim Yun Taek that Queen Inhyeon is being escort from her cottage to the palace as they speak to return to the palace. Shim Yun Taek confirms & tells that this is all due Choi Dong Yi’s effort. Choi Dong Yi tries to brushes as Shim Yun Taek that it most certainly Choi dong Yi’s effort who risked her own life to proves Queen Inhyeon’s innocence. Choi Dong Yi also praise that without Shim Yun Taek strategies & stratagems that also help. She is afraid that she might not able to have pull this through. Shim Yun Taek tells that it is true in saying that his rendered effort is also contribute in some number that he can’t go around boasting
Gyotaejeon, the residence staff are crying for Queen Jang. Jang Hee Bin asked Jo Sang Gung where is Jang Hee Jae. Jo Sang Gung tells Jang Hee Jae will be sent off to exile at once. Yeong Sun tells that the citizen has storm to Mdm Yoon’s residence cause riot & that no one is stopping them. Jo Sang Gung tells that this is really upsetting & unfair & asked why Sukjong has rendered her such inequitable treatment towards Jang Hee Bin that wails that this is really biased. The citizen gather is groups raged their anger heading for Jang Hee Jae & Mdm Yoon’s residence with their make shift weapons & hurls stones at his gates. The people tell that this is the residence of the once might Jang Hee Jae then tells that they needn’t be polite but storm into Mdm Yoon’s residence. Mdm Yoon screaming at the rioting mob & asked what they are doing in her residence that they don’t which for their lives. The mob tells that this is Mdm Yoon that they don’t wish to have their lives & asked what Mdm Yoon can do with them as the mob orders their group to rioted & create disorder & all items in the residence are being smash & damaged as they create havoc to her residence & she is helpless to stop the mob & only can shouts & telling them she will never forget what they did to her that if she has the opportunity she will teach them a lesson as she will have her day in vengeance
Mdm Yoon did the same when she sent her men to rummage Queen Inhyeon’s cottage
Jang Hee Jae is being drag away to his banishment & shouts to let him go. Jang Hee Jae tells that he wants to see Queen Jang, before he sees Queen Jang, he will leave a step from here. Seo Yong Gi asked him to shut up & tell him how dare he is address Jang Ok Jung as Queen Consort that he still have been make clear who is now Queen Consort. Jang Hee Jae screams that he will not this passed. Cha Cheon Soo asked his men what are they waiting for & sent the criminal to their exile. Jang Hee Jae screams insult that this is not the end & he will return with vengeance. Jang Ok Jung asked her brother that no matter what she begs that he must survive this ordeal & it is not over for them that they will not foundered in falter.
Jang Hee Jae is being parade on the street to his exile as the crowd shout that he is jang Hee Jae. Jang Hee Jae still screaming that he will not leave like this & he wants to enter the palace to seek audience with Queen Jang as the soldier path the street to let his prison cart passed as he is shouting for Queen Jang. Oh Tae Seok informs by his valet that Oh Yun is also being lead to his exile as Oh Yun is taken to his exile. The valet tells that the criminal are now being sent to their respective exiles. Oh Tae Seok tells that his faction’s casualty rate for his faction is really high in number of losses. Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang is bringing drag on foot to their exile. Mdm Park wails that how can she lived without them. Oh Tae Pung asked his wife to wait for their return that they will be back soon. Oh Ho Yang still doesn’t know what crimes did they commit that they are being sentence to exile. Mdm Park is hold back as Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang went on their exile. Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik sees them off in the crowd. Yeong Dal telling that seeing them like that, he is sad to them leave to exile that honestly they didn’t do anything wrong. Hwang Joo Shik tells that this is really tearful, maybe they should have let them made their escape. Yeong Dal agrees that they are not too bright in their brain, that he doesn’t know whether they make their escape & be caught really soon. Hwang Joo Shik wonders when they are in exile, they will also be trouble
Oh Yun appears as cameo that he goes for their exile.
Seo Yong Gi comes to report to Sukjong that all the criminal has been expedited the sentence according to their sentence that what is left outstanding is the matter in regards to Jang Hee Bin who is now residing in Daejojeon. Sukjong asked Seo Yong Gi to proceed with immediate effect without delay. Seo Yong Gi acknowledged
Daejojeon is Queen Consort Residence in Changdeokgong. The reference of Gyotaejeon which is Queen Consort in Gyeongbokgung is inter use as well as merely the reference Jung Jong Jeon literally Queen Consort’s residence
Jang Hee Jae is demoted dressed in her Hee Bin’s clothes then leave Daejojeon to return to Chwi Seon Dang, didn’t like previous predecessor or historical records that she was drag out of Gyotaejeon. Jeong Sang Gung greets Jang Hee Bin that the Internal Bureau of Investigation will provided Jang Hee Bin the escort to her residence. Jang Hee Bin tells that there is no need for that as she marches away from Gyotaejeon. Jo Sang Gung takes a glance back as Jang Hee Bin tell her not to look back. Everyone taking a good look at Jang Hee Bin return to Chwi Seon Dang like some side show. Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung also doesn’t want to miss the chance to seeing such a spectacle. Bong Sang Gung comments that Jang Hee Bin still looking so pompous arrogant & dignified from her fall of grace. Jo Sang Gung tells that no one is showing respect as she want to teach them a lesson, Jang Hee Bin tells there is no need, if this is a disgrace that they will live in disgrace. Jang Hee Bin swears to herself that she will never forget this moment whatever the treatment she has been rendered.
Sukjong taking a night stroll as he digest on today’s event as Choi Dong Yi calls him & asked that he is here.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong is surprise to see Choi Dong Yi beside him.
Wow! Choi Dong Yi’s “Roe deer†Shoes must be quick that she was there is 12 sec flat from the entrance
Choi Dong Yi: So you are here…
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi takes a stroll then queries why she never questioned as they stroll in silence.
Sukjong: Are you not going to asked anything?
Choi Dong Yi: It is because it pains you, if you were to mentioned about the matter therefore I sense as for now, it is best that there is no mentioned of the matter that if you don’t wish to bring up the subject
Sukjong: Yes, it is correct…if I can mentioned about the matter, then I wish to conceal all this forever, that how useless I am as a Sovereign, also what shortcomings as man
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: It is not Hee Bin’s wrong or others but it is I who is the most sinful of all. I was blinded & conceal from the truth with all those malicious lies that I have depose Queen Inhyeon then have allow Hee Bin to have become to what she is now, this is what I have done but if I have to again make a decision, that I know Hee Bin’s wrongdoing can’t be given absolution but for the sake of Crown Prince, I can’t chased his mother out of the palace
Sukjong sighs
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, you have now clarified & clear Queen Inhyeon’s injustice then you have safe guard Crown Prince’s interest but how are you there ridden by guilt. I always believe that you will made that right decision whether for state or Royal Court that you will handle matter prudently with a wise decision made. Cheon Na, you are always been certain
Sukjong: Dong Yi, however this decision made, may possible bring harm to you. Although I have revoke Hee Bin as Queen Consort but Hee Bin is still the mother to the Crown Prince. This means that the support authority behind Hee Bin will stronger then finally towards you, it will bring…..
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore, do you think that I will complain to you for that decision? Are you grave worry about my safety in the future?
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: No, Cheon Na…I don’t that fears at all…Are you so quick to have forgotten…that you nicknamed & call me Pungsan…
Sukjong can at least come out with a smile
Choi Dong Yi: I do understand what is Cheon Na’s concern is but please don’t worry, Cheon Na….I am Dong Yi…the Pungsan, no matter whatever I need to face or confront in the future, I will always have your trust & also my trust in myself that I will able to overcome the adversity
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: Yes Cheon Na!!
Sukjong laughs that Choi Dong Yi has never gave him an affirmative yes in her answer as she always argue with his decision
Sukjong: Yes….yes…Thank you….
Sukjong thanked Choi Dong Yi for cheering him up. Chief Eunuch Han, Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung finally hear Sukjong laughs for once
Choi Dong Yi surprise that Jeong Sang Gung has asked that Choi Dong Yi to prepare for Queen Inhyeon’s return that to proceed to hand over Choi Dong Yi the responsibilities of interim Queen Consort before her arrival. Choi Dong Yi queries why she is asked to do the task. Jung Im tells that currently Choi Dong Yi is the highest rank in Nae Myeong Bu, this affairs need the person of high rank to managed since Queen Inhyeon is absent from the palace. Bong Sang Gung tells that by customary that Jang Hee Bin is supposed managed but now that she is out of favour…this remarks doesn’t sit well with Choi Dong Yi as Bong Sang Gung tells that honest she feels compare to Jang Hee Bin to managed, Choi Dong Yi will excel better
Choi Dong Yi & Jeong Sang Gung stops Bong sang Gung’s prattles. Choi Dong Yi threaten if Bong Sang Gung continues to be this way, she have no choice but to send Bong Sang Gung back to Internal Bureau of Investigation for her insolence. Choi Dong Yi reminds Bong Sang Gung that she outrank her in her current status. Bong sang Gung is shocked as Jeong Sang Gung agrees that it will be best. Bong Sang Gung pleas with Choi Dong Yi not to send her away, she like it here that she wishes to stay at Bo Yeong Dang forever. Bong Sang Gung promise she will never do it again & asked for leniency. Choi Dong Yi laughs at the comic Bong Sang Gung & tells this is just jokingly passing a remark but then if it happens again then she will be angry. Choi Dong Yi reminds them no matter what it may be Jang Hee Bin has high rank in Nae Myeong Bu then instructs them that all Inner Court staff must abide to Jang Hee Bin’s rank & status in Nae Myeong Bu as an elder & asked them not to forget that. Choi Dong Yi tells she is happy with joy to prepare for Queen Inhyeon’s arrival & asked what she must do
Daejojeon is spruce up for Queen Inhyeon’s arrival as Choi Dong Yi personally supervises the project as she directs where to put the furniture to the bed room. Then tells that the plant can’t bed to deeply then tells that the plants need to be bed sparingly apart with less soil. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung asked why is Choi Dong Yi doing here that she has asked Choi Dong Yi to stay at her residence. Choi Dong Yi tells she can’t allow matter to run without supervision. Ae Jung tells that this matter is not for Choi Dong Yi to do, she just need to verbally order or instruct, that is all she needs to do
Ham Myeong is order or instruct
Bong San Gung & Ae Jung appalled that Choi Dong Yi is getting her hands dirty as Choi Dong Yi asked them to close their eyes on matter just once, Choi Dong Yi tells that this matter, she is really an expert when she was in the Music bureau… Ae Jung reminds that Choi Dong Yi is a person who is about to be issue the receipt to the Inner court & hope that Choi Dong Yi will at least forget her days as a servant. Choi Dong Yi tells how can she do that, her disposition & personage will not change if she does that. Choi Dong Yi tells that she is never ashamed about her humble background. Choi Dong Yi boasts that in the past she was an exemplary servant. Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung is out of wits with Choi Dong Yi. Then Choi Dong Yi notices something & tells that they need to use a dry cloth to polished it to shine. Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung trying to persuade Choi Dong Yi, as Jung Im comes to inform Choi Dong Yi that Military escort for Queen Inhyeon has set off to her cottage. Choi Dong Yi acknowledge the news with happiness as Ae jung & Bong Sang gung applause
It has just rained, Queen Inhyeon steps out from her cottage in her Queen Consort regalia. Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo greets Queen Inhyeon & introduce that he is Seo Yong Gi of the Nae Geum Bu & tells that they will receive orders from Sukjong to provide escort to Queen Inhyeon’s return to the palace. Queen Inhyeon thanked Seo Yong Gi for coming & taking is long journey. Seo yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo address Queen Inhyeon as Jung Jong Mama. Queen Inhyeon takes a last glance at her cottage. Seo Yong Gi invites Queen Inhyeon to enter the palanquin & be on their way. Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo mount on their houses. A touching scene as Queen Inhyeon sits on her palanquin & return to the palace in grand entourage
Sukjong waits for Queen Inhyeon’s arrival to the palace. Chief Eunuch Han informs Sukjong that Queen Inhyeon finally arrive at the palace. As Queen Inhyeon return to the palace, her palanquin is lower as she about steps out from her palanquin, she sees Sukjong (shoes) approaching her. Queen Inhyeon looks up & is so move & touched by Sukjong receiving her arrival personally. Queen Inhyeon goes to meet with Sukjong
Queen Inhyeon’s hairpin & hair ornaments are more regal than previous. Jang Hee Bin as Queen Consort is a little short in that department
Queen Inhyeon greets Sukjong.
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Jung Jong!
Sukjong is really regrettable towards Queen Inhyeon as Queen Inhyeon break down in tears. Sukjong takes her hand to comfort her
Sukjong: Please forgive me, Jung Jong due to my shortcoming that I had made you suffer in false accusation
Queen Inhyeon: Not at all, Cheon Na, there is nothing that needs forgiving. If it forgiveness then it is I who must ask from you….
Sukjong shakes his head
Queen Inhyeon:….because of my own lacking, that I has never render you any support that is should of me but however you have render me your trust & care
Sukjong: Jung Jong!
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na!
Choi Dong Yi waits with anticipation at Daejojeon for Queen Inhyeon’s arrival then notice her arrival & calls out to Queen Inhyeon. Queen Inhyeon comes in to Gyotaejeon as sees Choi Dong Yi is out to come & greet her & Queen Inhyeon lights up in happiness to see Choi Dong Yi & goes to meet Choi Dong Yi,
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Sang Gung!
Then no words is spoken just silence & warm tears flowing down their cheeks that can mean a thousand words as they hold hands so fondly. Nightfall in Daejojeon , Jo Sang Gung asked her staff to brew tea, it looks like the ladies will talk for a long while, towards the night. Jung Geum acknowledged. Jo Sang Gung nods to Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung. Queen Inhyeon & Choi Dong Yi are having a meal
Queen Inhyeon: I still can’t dare to believe that this is really real, Cheon Sang Gung that I have really return to the palace.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Queen Inhyeon: What you have done all for me that all, I don’t know how & when whether it this life that I can reimburse your gratitude
Choi Dong Yi: Please don’t mentioned this, Mama, the people who wish to address your injustice render & your innocence proven, it is not just I alone who have render assistance
Queen Inhyeon: But however without you, nothing possible will come out of this, isn’t that true?
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore as of now, this is my turn I that I must step out…do you know…the matter in regarding how I am to safe guard you
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: When I was in deposition in the cottage that I have always some regret that during my tenure as Queen Consort that I was never able to voice political or in stratagem or do anything about matter & left everything to fate & destiny. However Cheon Sang Gung, don’t you follow my footsteps…do what you must & what your status allow you to do…this is the render support based (strength) that I can bestowed on you
Choi Dong Yi: What Support based, Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: Yes, in this palace, there is still Hee Bin’s strong foundation then the support based require to have a firm solid foundation that is able to counter Hee Bin’s strong foundation, that support based & strength, also that support based that you have in regards that is in your heart
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi in her residence as she ponders. Seo Yong Gi comes to Choi Dong Yi residence. Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Dong Yi that Queen Inhyeon is has asked Choi Dong Yi to oversees Internal Bureau of Investigation as patronage. Choi Dong Yi asked how did Seo Yong Gi learns of the matter. Seo Yong Gi tells that Queen Inhyeon has summoned him to see her. Queen Inhyeon has told him that Choi Dong Yi has doubts therefore Queen Inhyeon has asked him to lend his help to persuade Choi Dong Yi to do so. Seo Yong Gi asked what is Choi Dong Yi being so hesitant about, if it is Queen Inhyeon’s decree, shouldn’t Choi Dong Yi adhere to Queen Inhyeon’s decree & obey.
Choi Dong Yi asked however if she was to take up that patronage, dare to be given such a responsibility that she is not eligible to do so. Seo Yong Gi asked whether she is hesitant in regards to Geumgae didn’t he already advice her that she must forget about the matter of Geumgae to her grave & asked whether she has forgotten. Seo Yong Gi tells that Choi Dong Yi will soon be the member of the Royal Household & Inner court, & tells her that she needs to start to be concern is not whether the matter that she is eligible to do what Choi Dong Yi must think now, is whether she can excel to do well in the Inner Court & advice Choi Dong Yi not to forget what he has said as Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Dong Yi that she is more than qualify
Seo Yong Gi tells that no matter whom or what she will follow that support base & to what or whom that support based is able to support or protect & what is it that Choi Dong Yi wish that support based to do for her & to whom that she wishes to render her support base to or against, this is her concern. Seo Yong Gi tells what Choi Dong Yi needs for the sake of Sukjong & this nation to become that person
Jeong Sang Gung shocked to be informs that with immediate effect that she is now Internal Bureau of Investigation’s Jejo Sang Gung. The Sang Gung affirms that from today, Jeong Sang Gung is Internal Bureau of Investigation’s Jejo Sang Gung. Jung Im is happy for her as Jeong Sang Gung asked what is happening here & how can she possibly. Choi Dong Yi comes in to say that the appointment was done under her orders. Choi dong Yi confirms that with immediate effect that Jeong Sang Gung is now the newly appointed Internal Bureau of Investigation’s Jejo Sang Gung.
Jeong Sang Gung reads the decree as Jeong sang Gung announce her appointment as Jejo Sang Gung then render the promotion & restructure in her new administration as Choi Dong Yi oversees the process. Jeong Sang Gung announces Jung Im is promoted to 5th rank Sang Gung of Internal Bureau of Investigation. Everyone is given credit where is due. Jeong sang Gung is now Internal Bureau of Investigation Jejo Sang Gung & wearing her uniform
Choi Dong Yi looks rather heavy in sigh as Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im in their new uniform greets Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi asked that Yoo sang Gung, Shi Bi & Eun Geum who is prison to be brought before her & that their matter needs to be resolves at once. Jeong Sang Gung acknowledged. Yoo Sang Gung shocked that Choi Dong Yi is now the patron in Internal Bureau of Investigation to oversees the restructuring & is given absolute authority in the matter. One of the Sang Gung tells that it is the decree of Queen Inhyeon has passed all decision making matter to Choi Dong Yi in regards to the affairs of Internal Bureau of Investigation. It seems that the evil Internal Bureau of Investigation trio looks great in whites & they are about to suffer adversity. Yoo Sang Gung is aghast. Eun Geum asked Yoo sang Gung then what about their fate that they will not allow to lived & they start to panic that they will not be spare & dead for sure. Shi Bi tells that they were handled over to Nae Geum Bu & she thought that their life is spared then asked Yoo Sang Gung what are they going to do. Eun Geum tells that she doesn’t wish to die that she doesn’t want to died this way & beg Yoo Sang Gung to say something as Yoo Sang Gung resigned to her fate
Jung Im comes to the prison cell & orders Yoo sang Gung, Shi Bi & Eun Geum to be brought out. Yoo Sang Gung is brought before Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi goes to interrogate Yoo Sang Gung.
Choi Dong Yi: I will like to resolve this matter that I have come to make my judgment & before judgment is passed, do you have anything to say to me
Yoo Sang Gung is silence
Choi Dong Yi: If there isn’t, then I will pass my judgment to resolve the matter, will that do?
Yoo Sang Gung: I owe to my crimes & take my life therefore please exempt me & don’t parade in from of the Gungnyeo to suffer in shameful execution death…..
Choi Dong Yi, Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im is surprise
Yoo Sang Gung: For a Gungnyeo, this is more dreadful death to have, that I can bear a death like this, Mamanim
Choi Dong Yi: Why is that then?
Yoo Sang Gung: Yes, all this is my doing; it is I who went to search & trespass into Mamanim’s residence, in order to tarnish your credential & reputation that we fabricate the evidence against you. I do understand that doing this will bring death in sentence, but however in the line to adhere to the proprietor of Nae Myeong Bu is the core principal of Internal Bureau of Investigation’s Sang Gung, no matter what it is, we must abide & adhere. I am just doing my utmost effort as Jejo Sang Gung of Internal Bureau of Investigation therefore please exempt me from having to render such a disgraceful death, Mamanim
Choi Dong Yi sigh
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that I can’t render you your request
Yoo Sang Gung is aghast as Choi Dong Yi just looks at a frightened Yoo Sang Gung
Shi Bi & Eun Geum shaking like a leaf outside in the compound. Jung Im approaches them as Eun Geum & Shi Bi kneels before Jung Im to ask her to spare their lives. Eun Geum asked Jung Im to plea their case their case to Choi Dong Yi to spare their lives. Jung Im have them pick up & asked the Gungnyeo to hand a package to them then orders them to open the package at once. Shi Bi & Eun Geum gingerly open the package only to find that it is the Internal Bureau of Investigation’s uniform. Jung Im tells that Shi Bi & Eun Geum will be demoted as 9th rank Nain & asked if they understands. Shi Bi & Eun Geum escape punishment & they are surprise that they were just given demotion & they can retain in the Internal Bureau of Investigation. Eun Geum asked whether this decision made that they have been forgiven for their offence. Jung Im tells that this is done under Choi Dong Yi’s orders. Choi Dong Yi will not pursue matter with them & allow them to stay in the Internal Bureau of Investigation. Shi Bi & Eun Geum is moved by Choi Dong Yi’s gesture
Yoo Sang Gung is surprise at Choi Dong Yi’s passing of judgement. Choi Dong Yi reiterate her decision on her judgement that Yoo Sang Gung resume her duty in Internal Bureau of Investigation. Yoo Sang Gung is move by Choi Dong Yi decision. Choi Dong Yi tells of course that Yoo sang Gung will have to be demote a rank lower of 5th rank Sang Gung but hope that when she regain her health then she can return to resume her duty in Internal Bureau of Investigation. Choi Dong Yi about to leave when Yoo Sang Gung call out to Choi Dong Yi
Yoo sang Gung: Why? Why you didn’t….
Choi Dong Yi turns to her
Choi Dong Yi: In regards of not killing you, if I have done that, then there will not be a 2nd chance given. You have said that you adhere to follow the orders of Queen Consort as an Internal Bureau of Investigation’s Gungnyeo’s principals. I hope you can remember what you have said on that matter
Choi Dong Yi leaves the room in nobleness posture leaving Yoo Sang Gung jaw agape at Choi Dong Yi bestowed clemency towards Yoo Sang Gung & her girls
Choi Dong Yi returns to Bo Yeong Dang with Jeong Sang Gung. Choi Dong Yi asked if Jeong Sang Gung has something to say to her to speak up, as she asked that Jeong Sang Gung does have her queries. Jeong Sang Gung asked why Choi Dong Yi has made such a judgement call. Jeong Sang Gung tells that Yoo Sang Gung will not change her personal disposition character even if Choi Dong Yi rendered her any clemency. Choi Dong Yi affirms that there is that possibility. Jeong sang Gung express concern as Choi Dong Yi tells that her decision to render her helping hand may backfire on her someday but even with that in mind, she doesn’t regret making her judgment call she did today. Choi Dong Yi tells she just have a gut feeling. Choi Dong Yi tells that everyone is entitle & deserve to be given a 2nd chance, it is the same for her that someone has render her a 2nd chance before, therefore she should at least render someone else that 2nd chance. Choi Dong Yi tells that she is using whatever authority she is provide to render someone that 2nd chance but here after the choice is up to them to make. Jeong Sang Gung nods at the explanation given on Choi Dong Yi’s judgement call
Sukjong hears of Choi Dong Yi’s restructuring of the Internal Bureau of Investigation.
Sukjong: So this is how Cheon Sang Gung made her judgment to resolve the matter
Chief Eunuch Han: Yes Cheon Na….
Sukjong: This must be a really hard judgement to call & make…there is many consideration & burden responsibility
Chief Eunuch Han: She has always be like this….
Sukjong: Yes, that is indeed… That child is always been that kind of person
Chief Eunuch Han: Now that the palace has return to stability & peace, Cheon Na. Jung Jong Mama has return to the palace. Cheon Na that you are in blithe mood
Sukjong: Is it? Do I really?
Chief Eunuch Han: It seem that you have discard all your worries but there is still something outstanding
Sukjong: Something outstanding?
Chief Eunuch Han: Yes
Sukjong: What is it then?
Chief Eunuch Han: There is a matter that you must have been awaiting for a long time to happened
Sukjong: Something awaiting…
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Sang Gung’s happy news of being pregnant
Sukjong: I dare say, how could you be full of prattles over there
Chief Eunuch Han smiles as Sukjong is rather bashful
Sukjong: Ah! Really….I should have retire you from service & exile you somewhere, how can you look at your King & thinks of such absurdity
Chief Eunuch Han: My apology, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Fine!….I should transfer you to somewhere afar
Sukjong clear his throat
Sukjong: Then…however…since we are already on the subject…I actually last night has a dream
Chief Eunuch Han: What?…Dream?
Sukjong: Yes, I did
Sukjong tells his dream
Chief Eunuch Han: Wouldn’t that be considered a natal dream, Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Really…this is a natal dream
Chief Eunuch Han: yes, Cheon Na!
Sukjong: Yes, I saw a dragon flying towards heaven…this is the 1st time I have dreamt of such dreams, don’t know whether this is for really natal dreams
Chief Eunuch Han: This is correct, Cheon Na, this is definitely a natal dream
Sukjong: Really!!!!
Choi Dong Yi running the administration of Nae Myeong Bu with Jeong sang Gung as she looks through the inventory of Queen Inhyeon’s assets & expenses on her return. Jeong Sang Gung tells that the items used & staffing that is require are documented. Choi Dong Yi tells Jeong Sang gung to rounded the report & sent it to the Yi Mun Secretariat office. Jeong Sang Gung acknowledge as Choi Dong Yi asked then as they proceed to the next on their agenda
Yi Mun is the secretariat office that does the palace clerical documentation
Ae Jung comes calling to Choi Dong Yi, then Sukjong walks in to her residence as Choi dong Yi is surprise at his arrival.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Choi Dong Yi gets up…Sukjong sits down
Sukjong: I was merely passing through here, I have some concern & also have something curious that I need to asked you….I think you should move to a new premises
Choi Dong Yi: It will be soon
Sukjong: I have heard Queen Inhyeon mentioned that it will done after the issuance of receipt
Choi Dong Yi: yes, Queen Inhyeon is very caring in looking after me
Sukjong: Yes, that is fine, have you lately been not feeling well?
Choi Dong Yi: Not well?…
Sukjong: Yes…somewhere along the line of being fatigue or often having nausea & of these kind
Choi Dong Yi gives some thought
Choi Dong Yi: Hmmm! No, I don’t…although I have been busy lately, but, I am fine & well
Sukjong is disappointed
Sukjong: Is that so?
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, if you are concern about the affairs of Internal Bureau of Investigation, please be rest assured, compare to you I have always be the best of health
Sukjong: No that is not what I mean…do you have some sudden urge or cravings that you will like to eat. For example something sour
Choi Dong Yi brushes
Choi Dong Yi: No way, I dislike things that are sour, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Huh!
Choi Dong Yi already feeling a gush of saliva on her saliva gland thinking of something sour
Choi Dong Yi: I never once have cravings for something sour
Sukjong mutter that Chief Eunuch Han gave him false news
Sukjong: That Sun Seon, I should teach him a lesson
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Sukjong: Nothing
Choi Dong Yi: But however why the sudden in bringing up this subject
Sukjong: It is nothing to matter…just looking whether you are adapting well to palace life & asked whether there is anything special that you wish to eat
Choi Dong Yi: Hmmm, there is….
Sukjong gets serious
Sukjong: Yes, what is then?
Choi Dong Yi: That…It is nothing….Cheon Na
Sukjong gets excited
Sukjong: What is it then?
Choi Dong Yi: It is nothing special, but just that it is not found in the palace
Sukjong: What in the world that is not found in the palace..quickly tell me
Choi Dong Yi: There is…but there is no need to take in concern, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Oh Ho! As the Monarch, I can’t get you something that you wish to eat, then what is it?
Choi Dong Yi surprise at Sukjong persistence
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Choi Dong Yi & Sukjong goes out for an excursion to find the food that she wishes to eat. Choi Dong Yi now wears her hair style in a bun as the status of a married woman.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na! Are you just fine with it?
Sukjong: I am fine
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na but you are doing this personally may be a little….
Sukjong: Oh Ho: We already left the palace, if it is regards to Hwaminseo, this is a place that I will need to go & see. Isn’t it the place that provide welfare to the people, that I wish to see how that establishment is run.
Choi Dong Yi is concern.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: But however why the sudden urge to eat Hwaminseo distribute porridge
Hwaminseo is the Royal Public Welfare centre
Choi Dong Yi: I am not sure myself…maybe perhaps when I was most famished that she got to eat that porridge. I am saying before I enter the palace, that time I was wandering aimlessly for 3 days without food that I got to eat a bowl of Hwaminseo’s porridge.
Sukjong shocked that Choi Dong Yi went 3 days without food.
Sukjong: What, are you saying 3 days?
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, this is rather normal for people living on poverty, Cheon Na. When I came to Hwaminseo & has the distribution of porridge, after 3 days of famished & that holding in my hand, is this country hand out of porridge, that moment how warm the feeling was & how delicious was the porridge.
Sukjong is sadden that Choi dong Yi went 3 days without food, how could she
Sukjong: 3 days…how can you…
Guk Su is watery porridge
Hwaminseo distribute their porridge to the poor. It looks like Choi Dong Yi intention is to show Sukjong what the real life of the common people. Long line of people waiting their turn for their porridge, they find a lot of the people are hungry & starving. Sukjong can’t believe the destitute of the people in the porridge line.
Sukjong: Oh! There is such a long line in queues
Choi Dong Yi: They are here since dawn but then there will be many who wait here in queue will get turn away.
Sukjong: They been turn away, why is that?
Choi Dong Yi: In Hwaminseo always have shortage in food supply.
Sukjong: However I have orders the food supply found to be abundance in the Grain storage to be distributed to Hwaminseo, how can there been shortage.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: How can this….what has gone wrong
Pung Seo jang is the Royal Grain storage
Sukjong is concern & goes to see for himself
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na!
The poor gulp on the porridge with quick gulps. Mother feeding their hungry children as Sukjong sees the destitute scene among the poor at Hwaminseo. Sukjong is really shocked to see what is the scene of reality in Hwaminseo. Choi Dong Yi concern as Sukjong is disbelieve in what he is seeing. An old man limping got his ration then drop his porridge picks his porridge up from the ground as Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi comes to help as Sukjong asked him not to pick the soiled porridge up as Sukjong asked how can the old man eat this soiled porridge. Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi brings the old man to have a seat . Sukjong asked Chief Eunuch Han to get some more porridge. Choi Dong Yi concern for the old man’s well being as Sukjong can’t believe the sight is happening before him
The official close off the porridge line & tells that the distribution is finished & asked them to come tomorrow. The hungry telling that he was turn away yesterday & asked the official for more hands out. A hungry mother tells that her children has not eaten in 4 days. The official will not listen to their pleas & beg then orders the soldier to chase the hungry crowd away by force to disperse them. The soldiers goes thumping the hungry with their lances
Sukjong comes & orders them to stop.
Sukjong: I am ordering you to stop this at once
The official: Who are you?
Chief Eunuch Han: Wretch! Insolence….Quickly obey the order…this person is Chu Sang Chon Na
The official & the poor goes down on their knees pleading at Sukjong. The poor cries begging pleas to Sukjong
Sukjong: How can this be happening? How can this….
Sukjong is clearly upset in what he is seeing that the official abusing the poor. The official dare not even lift his head to look at Sukjong
Sukjong in Hwaminseo with the official in charge
Sukjong: Do you consider this an excuse? It was & days ago that the Grain storage has releases the grain to Hwaminseo, why Hwaminseo only have this amount of grain distributed
Hwaminseo Official: Our apology
Sukjong: Apology is correct, is this all you can say as the Official in charge of Hwaminseo?
Hwaminseo Official: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Now get this Official who has been non compliance with their duty been remanded
Do Seong Ji: Yes
Sukjong: Also…to distribute the allocate grain to those who are here at once
Do Seong Ji: Yes, Cheon Na
Sukjong looks at the official who close the porridge line
Sukjong: Before the new administration arrives, I will assign this task to you
Official: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Now use the rest of the grain to cook the porridge & distribute to those hungry who are waiting outside, moreover from now onwards, Hwaminseo must not turn away the hungry who has line up for ration, this ever happens again, I will have your life as compensate to reimbursement that irresponsibility, are you clear?
Official: Yes Cheon Na, I will obey your decree
Sukjong stagger out from Hwaminseo office as Choi Dong Yi waits for him outside
Choi dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: I really didn’t know that the situation will be like this, I just look & reads the official reports. The e needs to look after my country’s poor that I only reads about them in reports. How can I called myself a King & that the poor will look at me with such grievances & blame.
Choi Dong Yi: They will not do that, Cheon Na…The poor will not blame Cheon Na, it is because I was also the same. Each time that I come to Hwaminseo for distribution of porridge, that I was grateful for the bottom of my heart a Monarch who doesn’t forget his country’s poor.
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: Don’t be too sad. Cheon Na. The poor will understand Sukjong’s heart & concern for their welfare.
Sukjong: Thank you, Dong Yi that you have use this method to allow me to have learn & witness this for myself & then what I should now do & as a King, whose welfare should I be looking after.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong holds Choi Dong Yi with gratefulness. This episode, Sukjong has thanked Choi Dong Yi twice. Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi leaves Hwaminseo
Yeong Dal looks like he hasn’t sleep for days to prepare for Choi Dong Yi installation for Inner court. Hwang Joo Shik asked whether Yeong Dal is alright that he look like the living dead. Yeong Dal tells that he is fine, with eyes like panda. Hwang Joo Shik tells that Yeong Dal ahs not slept in 3 days. Yeong Dal wants to do his best for Choi Dong Yi on her issuance of receipt that her present to her is to give his best performance. Hwang Joo Shik tells that if he doesn’t look after himself that when the time comes with Choi Dong Yi’s receipt, it will be his worst performance. Hwang Joo Shik orders Yeong Dal to sleep, as Yeong Dal refuse that he needs to practice that there is no time left to practice before the event. Yeong Dal asked Hwang Joo Shik to go away & not disturb his practice. Yeong Dal starts to dozes off as hwang Joo Shik slap him to get into his sense. Yeong Dal assures that he is alright
Ahn Sang Gung passes Queen Inhyeon Choi Dong Yi’s receipt to the inner court. Queen Inhyeon tells that she is happy to issue this receipt.
Ahn Sang Gung: This the decree receipt from Seong Jeong Won, Mama
Queen Inhyeon: I am able to personally bestowed this receipt, this really a joyous occasion, Ahn Sang Gung
Ahn Sang Gung: Mama!
Queen Inhyeon: Right…how is the progress of Sukwon’s ceremony coming along?
Choi Dong Yi tries on her new clothes
Bong Sang Gung: Oh! Heavens, Mama, your Tang Yi & you looks magnificent
Choi Dong Yi laughs
Choi Dong Yi: Do you think that the makeup is a little too thick?
Ae Jung: Aigoo! Here you go again…today from now onwards, you don’t need to use honourifics with us just follow for their sake that we tell you without any contradiction, please just for once, Mamanim
Choi Dong Yi: Yes….No…I will do this
Choi Dong Yi ahs to change to Court language
Bong Sang Gung: yes, we understand that it is rather uncomfortable but however Mama, you are now the member of the Royal Household, an Inner Court Mama therefore now in everyone presence that you have be seen dignified & noble as a proprietor of a residence
Choi Dong Yi feels nausea….Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung is concern
Ae Jung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: What is wrong?
Bong Sang Gung: Mama, what is the matter?…Where are you not feeling well?
Choi Dong Yi: It is nothing but it is just….perfume fragrance
Bong Sang Gung: Mama, wouldn’t it be perhaps….
Sukjong with Do Seong Ji in Daejeon
Do Seong Ji: Yes, it is indeed
Chief Eunuch Han comes in rather hurried
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Yes, how is Cheon Sang Gung doing….have she arrive at the venue of the receipt?
Chief Eunuch Han: That….the receipt ceremony possibility need to be delayed, Cheon Na….
Sukjong: What are you saying…. the receipt ceremony is delayed
Chief Eunuch Han: Mama’s residence has summoned the Royal Physician to come at once
Sukjong: What?
Do Seong Ji: Cheon Na!
In Bo Yeong Dang, Royal Physician reads Choi Dong Yi’s pulse as a concern Queen Inhyeon beside her & asked her prognosis.
Queen Inhyeon: How is the prognosis?
Royal Physician: Mama!!
Queen Inhyeon & Choi Dong Yi baffles at the Royal Physician exclamation. Sukjong marches to Bo Yeong Dang then seeing Queen Inhyeon instructing Choi Dong Yi residence staff
Queen Inhyeon: Do you understand?
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama
Sukjong approaches Queen Inhyeon as she greets Sukjong
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na
Sukjong: I have heard that the residence has summoned for Royal Physician to come, what is the matter?….Is Cheon Sang Gung well?
Queen Inhyeon: No…she is not….Cheon Na…she is not well….
Sukjong: What!!!!
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na…Congratulations too you!!!! Cheon Sang Gung is pregnant
Sukjong: What are you saying now…Jung Jong?….Pregnant, did you say?
Queen Inhyeon: Yes, Cheon Na
Sukjong doesn’t know how to digest the news that he will be a father soon. Those around him are happy with the news especially Chief Eunuch Han. Sukjong goes in to Bo Yeong Dang. Choi Dong Yi touches her stomach & is pleased that she is pregnant
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Choi Dong Yi tries to stand up to greet him but he stops her
Sukjong: No…No need, just sit down where you are
Sukjong sits in front of her
Sukjong: It was a natal dream, it is really a natal dream
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Sukjong: Didn’t I recently have asked you….what are your cravings, what you wish to eat, whether you have suffering from any nausea
Choi Dong Yi: The Cheon Na….it was that moment….
Sukjong: Yes, I has a natal dream of this child. I don’t know how to expression, how happy I am that I am feeling that I as a King, now know what is the feeling of the whole wide world is like
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na….
Sukjong: Dong Yi!
Yeong Dal learns from Hwang Joo Shik that Choi Dong Yi is pregnant then Yeong Dal is so happy with the news & swings Hwang Joo Shik dizzy. Seo Yong Gi also learns about the pregnancy simultaneously with the receipt of Inner court. Shim Yun Taek tells that this is double happiness. Seo Yong Gi asked Cha Cheon Soo who is so excited to go to Choi Dong Yi’s residence
Cha Cheon Soo comes to see Choi Dong Yi & is thrilled that he will have a child to call him as Uncle. Cha Cheon Soo said he really have happy & move tears for today.
Queen Inhyeon is just happy for Choi Dong Yi as though Queen Inhyeon is sharing the joy in the pregnancy.
Queen Inhyeon: I am already happy with joy able to personally bestowed the receipt to the Inner Court to you but now…you are pregnant….I will never forget this day for the rest of my life
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Queen Inhyeon: Thank you Cheon Sang Gung….No….It is Cheon Sukwon. You have done a great deed for the Royal Household & Cheon Na. Come now we should leave, we should proceed with your receipt ceremony
Choi Dong Yi’s receipt to Inner court as Cheon Sukwon. Everyone in official ceremonial attire as Choi Dong Yi step in her Sukwon regalia. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im congratulates Choi Dong Yi as Sukwon Mama. Jeong Sang Gung tells that Internal Bureau of Investigation will escort Choi Dong Yi to the ceremony of Issuance of the receipt to Inner Court, everyone is happy & move to tears. Queen Inhyeon is so pleased to issue this receipt. Receipt ceremony as Choi Dong Yi approaches Queen Inhyeon
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi knees before Queen Inhyeon
Queen Inhyeon: Pass the Receipt to the Inner court
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes Mama
Ahn Sang Gung pass to Daejeon Sang Gung to read the decree
Decree: Today, the year Gapsul 4th Month 26 day Choi Dong Yi to the Inner court by issuing the receipt as 4th rank Sukwon & accept this receipt
Queen Inhyeon passes the receipt to Choi Dong Yi
Queen Inhyeon: Sukwon, you must now wholeheartedly entrust to support Cheon Na & become the role model for Nae Myeong Bu
Choi Dong Yi: I will render my utmost in Nae Myeong Bu & accept this decree, Jung Jong Mama
The audience congratulate Choi Dong Yi’s receipt as Sukwon Mama.
Audience: Congratulations, Sukwon Mama!!!!
Sukjong with Choi Dong Yi. Sukjong bestowed Choi Dong Yi’s child with the given name Prince Yeong Su, Suk Bin Choi 1st son that died after 2 months
Sukjong: You are not even 2 month that you are really starting to talk, you are really intelligent
The child is a delight to Sukjong, Queen Inhyeon & Choi Dong Yi
Mdm Yoon with Jang Hee Bin
Mdm Yoon: The rumours have escalated in commotion that Sukwon has born a son is bestowed Royal Prince
Queen Inhyeon & Choi Dong Yi having happy moment with Prince Yeong Su
Jang Hee Bin: Carry & cradling the Royal Prince with all the happiness in this world …we hope that it will be
Sukjong carrying the infant Prince Yeong Su….
Jang Hee Bin with voodoo effigy
Jang Hee Bin: That this will able for you to experience the world suffering the pain of what great loss is about
Jang Bu Yeong seeks audience with Sukjong
Jang Bu Yeong: I am Hanseong Administrator Jang Bu Yeong, send greeting to you
Seo Yong Gi with Jang Bu Yeong
Oh Tae Seok: What? Jang Bu Yeong has return
Someone bowing
Jang Hee Bin: It has been a while….
Seoin faction in power
Jang Hee Bin: You decide, how to go about stopping them….
Someone enters
Government official is assassinated. Cha Cheon Soo promoted investigate the incident
Sukjong: The Official in Hyeminseo has been assassinated
Do Seong Ji is surprise as Sukjong learn about the incident
Cha Cheon Soo with Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Geumgae insignia? Orrabunim
Cha Cheon Soo holding the headband
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Sukjong with Nae Geum Bu
Sukjong: Even if we need to deploy all the country’s Military, we need to find the source to this
Choi Dong Yi with Queen Inhyeon
Queen Inhyeon: What is it that you wish to request from me, Sukwon?
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
source: (Thank you and credits to
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