Informasi terbaru Sinopsis ringkas Episode 4 - 28 Episode Telenovela Striving For A Sun pada 26 Julai 2010 setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia, semoga informasi Sinopsis ringkas Episode 4 - 28 Episode Telenovela Striving For A Sun pada 26 Julai 2010 setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua.
Starring/Dibintangi oleh:
Sinjai Phengpanji (Nok Sinjai) - Parnrawee ( Isteri Rangsee)
Phiyada Akkaraseranee (Aom Phiyada) - Rangrong (Rangsee's daughter)
Nat thephasdin Na Ayuthaya - Pasakorn
Pisarn Akkaraseranee - Rangsee
Jakajan Akumsiri - Fahroong
Anuwat Niwatwong - Chot
The story continues with:
After Saeng Laa realizes that she is pregnant she sends a letter to Rang See asking for his assistance. Barn Rawee comes and find the letter first and finds that there is another woman who is pregnant with Rang See’s child. Barn Rawee is afraid that Rang See will bring this woman to replace her. Barn Rawee then secretly goes to meet Saeng La who is suffering greatly. She offers a great amount of money to Saeng La so she could start her life over in return that Saeng La has to get rid of the child in her womb. Barn Rawee pressures Saeng La to where she has no option and even as far as taking Saeng La to the clinic herself. At the same time Rang See is feeling distressed that a fortune teller has told him that the Sooriyartit family line will end with him. Rang See wants Barn Rawee to have a son, but Barn Rawee knows that she is sterile and she is afraid that Rang See will leave her so she keeps this a secret with only Neuang her close servant knows of this
Once Bparn Rawee reaches home she finds that Rang See has been in an automobile accident his body was very hurt and he is unable to move. Bparn Rawee can only secretly cry to herself until 2 years has passed by and the bottom half of Rang See’s body is now handicapped permanently. Rang See is unable to have a child so he has lost all flavor in life.
Bparn Rawee then accepts an orphan child to raise as her god child and names him Patgorn. Bparn Rawee and Rang See help raise Patgorn as their own child in hopes to let Patgorn become the heir to the Soriyatit after without listening and paying attention to the gossip of Wongsarknayat who doesn’t want of Rang See’s wealth to fall to an orphan like Patgorn
Barn Rawee is forced to protect Patgorn with full force with help from Chodti who is Rang See’s Close Attorney and Barn Rawee’s old friend. Not only is Chodti loyal to the Soriyatit’s family but he also secretly loves Barn Rawee
20 years pass by and in Lumphun Rang Rong a spicy young woman who is struggling to survive and ready to fight anyone who gets in her way has to earn money to heal her mother who is sick because of liquor. Rang Rong returns home to see that her mother is more furious than she normally is because she has seen the news of the return to Thailand of Patgorn the Hundred Thousand Baht Heir. Rang Rong is curious why her mother is so angry towards the Soriyatit family.
At the same time at the Soriyatit’s home there is a party to welcome Patgorn. During the party Rang See announces that he will give half and half of everything to Barn Rawee and Patgorn. Attending the party were relatives who were envious. In the group included Piang Pon a distant relative of the Soriyatit and Piang Soon her son who even though is a relative only works as a small employee at The Sun different from Patgorn who is just an orphan but gets everything, but because of his thoughtfulness towards Barn Rawee he keeps the anger in his heart secretly. Napar and Faarong the two mothers and daughters are also apart of the party who welcome Patgorn home because Napa is intent on having Faarong capture Patgorn in hopes of gaining all the fortune and wealth, but Barn Rawee knows of this so she is there as a pilar to hold them away.
While the party is going on Rang Rong appears and because she is wearing mourning clothes that looks old Neuang refuses to let her in. Rang Rong is intent on going in to see Rang See so she tells Neuang that she is the daughter of Saeng La and she wants to see Rang See who is her father. Neuang quickly goes to report to Barn Rawee who is shocked once she sees Rang Rong appear in the party. As Rang See is announcing his fortune is to be giving to Barn Rawee and Patgorn, Rang Rong announces that she is Rang See’s daughter and the only true heir to the Soriyatit’s bloodline.
The appearance of Rang Rong creates a stir amongst the guest. Rang See faints. Barn Rawee tells Chodti to take Rang Rong away, but Rang Rong refuses to go anywhere until she is accepted by Rang See. Rang See awakes to see the young woman who claims to be his daughter. Rang Rong tells the story that she heard from Saeng La and brings the proof which is the ring that was giving to Saeng La by Rang See. Because Rang See is unable to have an heir himself he quickly accepts Rang Rong without wanting to do a DNA test.
Bparn Rawee doens’t trust Rang Rong so she sends Chodti to go and do a background check of Rang Rong at Lumphun and finds that Rang Rong has a bad history. Fighting, Stealing, and she also finds that Saeng La didn’t die because of distress, but of alcoholism. Barn Rawee then finds that Rang Rong is a liar and con-artist This causes her to be more cautious of Rang Rong. But because Rang See is happy to see his daughter it makes it more difficult for Barn Rawee to do anything to Rang Rong. On top of that behind Rang See’s back Rang Rong picks on her in may ways and in anger Barn Rawee retaliates and Rang Rong pretends to be sad and tear up making Barn Rawee the wrong person in the end. Patgorn is secretly watching Rang Rong because he is curious of her and he also finds that she isn’t the innocent country girl like she says she is or pretends to be.
The appearance of Rang Rong causes chaos in the Soriyatit’s household, but Napa and Faaroong is also affected by this because they are afraid that Patgorn’s inheritance will be given to Rang Rong so they openly declare war. Piang Soon is happy that Patgorn has competition and he believes that Rang Rong is slow and country girl naive so he pushes her to get rid of and hate Patgorn and he plans that once Rang Rong gets all the wealth he will marry her and take over. Rang Rong realizes this but pretends to be stupid because she wants help against Barn Rawee.
In no time Rang Rong asks that Rang See announce that she is his daughter in public in order to erase the weak point. Rang See does as Rang Rong wants. This causes Barn Rawee to lose face. On top of that Rang Rong asks to work at The Sun with the excuse that she wants to get to know the family business. Rang See gives her permission to do so this causes Bparn Rawee to be very angry and argue with Rang See. Chodti reminds Bparn Rawee to be calm. That although Rang Rong is the daughter outside of marriage she still has the right to the family wealth and the fact that she wants to be involved with the family business shouldn’t be a problem, but Bparn Rawee believes that Rang Rong has an alternative motive that is bad which is true because Rang Rong wants to get close to Barn Rawee and destroy her. In the end will Rang Rong be successful in destroying Barn Rawee and own the Soriyatit’s wealth?
Credit Gmember
Sinopsis ringkas Episode 4
Rangrong mengaku pada ayahnya bahawa sememangnya ibunya meninggal disebabkan minuman keras dan bukan meninggal disebabkan hidup dalam kesedihan. Tetapi menurutnya juga ibunya terpaksa membesarkannya seorang diri dengan susah dan sentiasa dihina oleh orang kampung kerana mengandungkan anak yang tidak berayah. Oleh itu, ibunya minum arak untuk menghilangkan keresahan. Rangrong juga berkata dia terpaksa ditinggalkan oleh ayah sebelum dilahirkan. Dengan kemiskinan mereka, maka berlakulah semua yang tidak diingini ini. Kehidupan Rangrong adalah seperti kais pagi makan pagi kais petang makan petang.. Namun demikian Rangrong tetap sayangkan ibunya, Saenglaa. Kata Rangrong pada ayahnya lagi, dia tidak tahan ibunya dihina oleh sesiapa pun. Rangrong tanya adakah kesalahan untuk membela ibu yang disayanginya?
Rangsee tanya Rangrong kenapa dia tidak berterus terang saja sejak awal. Rangrong jawab dia tidak mahu ayahnya menganggap sesuatu yang tidak baik tentang ibunya. Kata Rangrong lagi dia ingin melupakan segala keperitan mereka.
Rangsee memarahi Parnrawee kenapa dia harus mengingati Rangrong tentang masa lalunya. Pasakorn cuba meredakan keadaan dan berkata ibunya tidak bermaksud untuk berbuat demikian. Rangsee dengan marah berkata sekiranya ibunya tidak bermaksud buruk kenapa dia harus meletakan minuman keras "Yadong" di atas meja. Hati Rangsee berasa lega kerana telah berjaya membuat ayahnya marahkan Parnrawee. Rangsee berkata dia amat kecewa dengan sikap Parnrawee dan dia tidak sangka Parnrawee adalah orang yang sedemikian. Rangsee memberi amaran bahawa dia tidak mahu lagi sesiapa yang menghina satu-satunya anak kandungnya. Sekiranya sesiapa yang berani menghina Rangrong ini bermakna dia juga telah menghina keluarga Suriyatit. Mendengar semua itu, Parnrawee beredar dari ruangan tamu meninggalkan mereka di situ. Kisahnya bersambung...
sumber: (Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada
just4sharing1 Channel
dan semua pihak atas sumber maklumat dan gambar) Tinggalkan komentar anda tentang Sinopsis ringkas Episode 4 - 28 Episode Telenovela Striving For A Sun pada 26 Julai 2010 setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 jika anda suka dengan artikel yang kami suguhkan.
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