Informasi terbaru Episode 7 - 28 Episode Telenovela Striving For A Sun pada 28 Julai 2010 setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 kami sediakan khusus untuk pembaca setia, semoga informasi Episode 7 - 28 Episode Telenovela Striving For A Sun pada 28 Julai 2010 setiap hari Isnin - khamis pukul 3.00 petang di TV3 memberikan pengetahuan lebih untuk kita semua.
Starring/Dibintangi oleh:
Sinjai Plengpanich (Nok Sinjai) - Parnrawee ( Isteri Rangsee)
Phiyada Akkaraseranee (Aom Phiyada) - Rangrong (Rangsee's daughter)
Nat thephasdin Na Ayuthaya - Pasakorn
Pisarn Akkaraseranee - Rangsee
Jakajan Akumsiri - Fahroong
Anuwat Niwatwong - Chot
Episode 7 Synopsis/Recap
Rangsee anounces that he has a daughter. He gives her the mic to speak. She gave a sob speach and then says she wants to show everyone the person she respects and love the most. She goes over to the frame and reveal it thinking it was a picture of her Mother, but it is a picture of Rawee. It looks like Rawee was able to switch the picture before RangRong humiliated her. But in turn RangRong went ahead and played a song dedicated to Rawee, which is in fact the song that Sang Laa played for Rangsee when they first met. Rawee storms off as RangRong follows.
RanRong and Rawee gets into an argument, and during the strugglr, Rangrong falls down the stairs, while Rangsee watches. ( Hmm.. My guess is that she is falling down on purpose) Rangsee tends to his daughter after the incident while RangRong cries and acts as if Rawee pushed her on purpose. Rangsee then yells at Rawee, but Rawee and Neung tries to tell him that it was an accident. Rawee goes to RangRong’s room to apologize, but instead RangRong taunts her and tells her that it’s worth getting hurt cause now Rawee looks like a wicked witch in front of Rangsee. So she pretty much admits that she fell downstairs on purpose.
Rangsee came right in time when Rawee got pissed at RangRong for pretending to fall. Rawee yanked RangRong back and forth causing Rangsee to see her yet again as a wicked witch. She tries to tell him that his daughter is making the whole thing up, but he doesn’t listen. Rawee then accuse Rangsee of loving Saeng la more than her. That’s when Rangsee shouts back at her that its true. She storms off, about to leave the mansion, but Neung talks her out of it. The next day, Neung tells RangRong that he knows she isn’t really hurt and starts yanking her around too. Before he leaves, he reassures her again that he’s on to her. At the office, the lawyer confronts Rawee, but it looks like that jealous Hi-So guy walked in on them thinking they have something going. He leaves the office, smirks to himself, and is probably going to use it against Rawee, since he and his Mother hated her from the start. When Rawee comes home, she tries to avoid RangRong, but RangRong keeps taunting her, threatening Rawee to slap her accross the face so that Rangsee can see it.
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 on July 29, 2010 over TV3 at 3pm
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 1
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 2
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 3
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 4
Telenovela Striving For A Sun Episode 7 Part 5
sumber: (Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada
just4sharing1 Channel
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